About This File
"My rendition of the A4D-2 (Before 1962 change to A-4B & C)"
INSTALL – unpack/unzip file contents and drag/copy to main YAP Revamp Works (Whatever you have named it) folder.
* Nyghtfall and Wrench for their help in working/moving cockpit items techniques.
*Repaint of Nyghtfall's outstanding A-4E pit.
*TW A-4B stock jet - required for AR probe.
*Repaint/numbering of A-4A fuselage, Nose, tail numbers from ChampionsVA56 suhsjake.
*J65-W-5.wav engine sound from ChampionsVA56.
** Included is a A-4A_DATA – SAM_Lgt_Active.ini file which activates SAM threat warning equipment if desired. Don't think this mod was worked in until later A-4 models.
*** Had problems getting the program to load different BuNo, TN, Modex, etc. Sometimes none at all?
Had to select in the loading phase of a mission each acft individually – then they would show?
If anyone can help regarding this tail no issue please help.
Enjoy, NIELS