About This File
What if: Aircraft Carrier "Varyag" ex Kremlin Class
This mod is made for SF2.
I. History
Since the 50th the Soviet Navy tried to get aircraft carriers. But the political leadership denied all attempts to build such vessels. So the Admirality tried to get carriers through the back door. They declared such ships would be neccessary to hunt down american submarines. So the big ASW ships Moskva and Leningrad were built. But the design was terrible. Thatswhy the project 1143 was developed, better known as Kiev class.
The Kiev class was to small to operate conventional fix wing jets. So the ships were equipped with VTOL planes, the Yak-38. But this plane was no match for american or westeuropean carrierbased planes. Thatswhy the flightdeck of projece 1143.4 was made longer. The ship was named Baku. It was built for the supersonic Yak-41. A plan-B was to use the MiG-29K as air group of the Baku.
The next step was to make the project 1143 ships bigger and longer. 1143.5 was launched in 1982. First named as Riga, then Breshnev, then Tblissi and in 1990 renamed into Kuznetsov.
When the USSR broke into parts the Kuznetsov was transfered to the russian North Fleet.
The sister ship 1143.6, Riga was renamed in 1990 into Varyag (Varangian). It was not operational when it was was given to the Ukraine. The Ukraine had not had enough money to finish the ship. Thatswhy it was sold to China. China finished the ship, modified it and named it Liaonang.
In this mod the fiction is, that the Ukraine finished the carrier and used it under the name "Varyag" (Varangian) as flagship of their Navy. The difference between Varyag and Kuznetov mod is that the ukrainian ship has no ship to ship missiles.
Remark to the name : Google translator gave me the translation "Варязький". Wikipedia say "Варяг" is correct. I'm not sure about it. Thatswhy i include both version. As standard i use "Варяг". Name files for "Варязький" you find in a subfolder under decals/Varyag/Varyaskij. If you want to use this name version, copy the files from Varyaskij folder to Varyag folder and let overwrite the existing one.
I'm not sure wheter "Варязький" is written correctly. Perhaps it must be "Варязькиi". If someone know, send me a PM.
This is a mod of the ship "Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov", made by rokieborhgunder, which you find here:
-Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
The Kuznetsov and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
March 2023