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Possible Method for Stereoscopic 3D in VR with Headtracking in Strike Fighters 2 - Geo11 1.0.2

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Possible Method for Stereoscopic 3D in VR with Headtracking in Strike Fighters 2 - Geo11

The attached PDF outlines the steps using freeware programs, wrappers and apps I've used to get stereoscopic 3D in VR working in Strike Fighters 2 and it's associated mods. Over the years I've tried many methods to get SF2 working on either a 3D monitor or in VR using programs such as vorpX or Tridef, as well as many others, but have never been happy with the results; however, using a relatively new technique geo11, I'm finally able to play in VR with proper 3D. This very clever piece of software, is and I quote "a replacement for 3D Vision for DX11" and allows you to generate a very nice 3D image in VR using the latest nvidia drivers. 

At this point I'm not sure if this will work for anyone else who is not using the same tech i.e. HP Reverb G2 VR Headset and running an Nvidia RTX 2080TI GPU but please let me know if you have any success with similar hardware or something very different. Also a very similar method works for the Strike Fighters 1 series of games and if anyone is interested I'll post the additional steps here.

For anybody else trying this - Good luck


What's New in Version 1.0.2


Update 26th May 2023

I just realised that I still had the original version of the file (v1.0.0) linked via the download file tab, this has now been corrected 

Version 1.0.2

- Revised information included and improved formatting of document 

- Added details on solving non-native resolution/upscaling errors in geo11 

Version 1.0.1

- Uploaded in zip format, added image and corrected some typos


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