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Wolf257's SF1 P-51A/B/C Template 1.0.0

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About This File

Another old Template found on one of my storage hard drives. Good luck deciphering it.

This is for all 3 of us that still fly SF1 and would like to make their own skins for one of the most iconic models we have for SF1 but can also be used in SF2.

This is a Template for Wolf257's P-51A/B/C Mustangs. The template is waaaay past it's 'Use By Date' and has been lost and found on one or another of my hard drives for years.
It is still a work in progress and needs improvements but I don't expect to work on it anymore. Feel Free to improve it all you want. 
This is a culmination of many peoples work of almost 20 years.

This template is in .psd format at 2048x2048 pixels.

Credit and Thanks go to:
Wolf257 for the model.
USAFMTL, Suhsjake, Torquatus, Pappychecksix, Wrench, Sundowner and probably many I'm completely unaware of for the many former templates and skins for this bird.

Happy Skinning.

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