About This File
Mirage F1CE(M)
The F1M upgrade was applied to 48 Spanish F1CE/EE. The prototype F1M flew in April 1998, and CASA delivered the remainder between March 1999 and 15 March 2001. The project included a revised cockpit with colour LCDs and a Smart HUD from Sextant Avionique, a Sextant inertial navigation system with GPS interface; NATO-compatible Have Quick 2 secure communications; Mode 4 digital IFF; a defensive aids suite; and flight recorders. The radar was upgraded to Cyrano IVM standard, adding sea search and air to ground ranging modes.
F1CE(M) Specifics:
Same as F1CE_late plus:
Major Cockpit redesign:
- new HUD
- Left MFD for radar display, weapon and other configuration pages
- UFCP Up Front Control Panel
- AN/ALR-300 RWR
- miscellaneous others re-layouts and additions
- GPS antenna for improved Inertial Navigation System
- double wingtips lights
- IFF antenna
- 2 additional SideWinders on P2 outerwings stations. This was most likely experimental and operational use is not confirmed. Added for SF2 fun and gameplay !
Covered units :
Ala 14.
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
The Mirage F-1 Team.