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Heck Mitchell's WW1 Poor Bloody Infantry Mod

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

I've gotten permission from Kesselbrut to post a version of his WW2 infantry for use in First Eagles. Here's the laundry list of odd things:

1. They're WW2 lods, so one man in each squad has a bazooka that fires as a rifle.

2. All squads, French, British, German, and American, have lods that show a tripod mounted Browning type 30 cal machine gun, although each different nationality is armed with a machine gun from the gun data ini: French, Hotchkiss; Germans, Maxims; British, Vickers; and Americans, Colt-Brownings.

3. I had to increase the rifleman's rate of fire to 30 rpm just to get the little peckerwoods to fire at all.

4. I changed the French uniform color to as close to Horizon Blue as my color blind eyes would let me, but now the Frenchman are a little pasty, and seem to have a mild sunburn. I am not a graphic artist.

5. Although I've changed the data ini weapons and detection systems to say AIR_AND_GROUND, the little jerks still just fire at each other, and I don't know why, although it might be that because of the range at which they start they are already engaged with opposing forces. This mod will give you infantry squads blazing away at each other in single missions (Army Co-operation), especially if you change the data inis of your tanks to RARE, and VERY_RARE, availabilities. And, like me, you might enjoy running the little buggers down with your prop and landing gear.


Just put the folders into your ground object folder and the GUNDATA.INI into your object folder and it will work. Hopefully someone will make some real WW1 infantry.

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