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PAF F-7P Skybolt Update

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About This File

PAF F-7P Skybolt Update ver 2.0


Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser, who's original readme is included at the bottom of the document


What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, patch 4 versions of the 21F lod, and 21F data ini. There still exists the problems aforementioned with the outer pylon not existing, so any and all weapons mounted there will be hanging in the slipstream. It's just something we have to live with until such time as someone releases the F/J-7 series with all 4 wing pylons


== This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==

== This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21F cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==


The cockpit isNOT included!!!


The loadouts have been set for Pakistani weapons; several of which might be new. Please check the 'Loadout Fixes' Thread at the CombatAce Knowledge Base for any further details.


With thanks to howling1, Ghostrider883,and Gramps who started the whole F/J-7 mod frenzy some years ago.




kevin stein

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