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AGM-136A (Tacit Rainbow)(Version 1.1)

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About This File

*************************************** Version 1.1 Update List ************************************


1. LOD file smaller to reduce disk usage.


2. Pylon reconfigured to more plausible dimensions.


3. Switched to RAR format to reduce upload/download bandwidth.


4. Included reference materials.


5. If you already have the previous version of this file, just copy the Objects directory as per Step 3 in the Instructions, confirming all overwrites.


*************************************** Version 1.0 Original Release *******************************


Version 1.0



Thanks to the following folks:


TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.

Bunyap and Wpnssgt - For the original Weapons Pack.

Mustang - For the great video tutorials.

To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.

Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.



What you will need first:


Thirdwire Weapons Editor - http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm


Copy of SFP1/WOE/WOV patched to the latest standard (as of 03 Oct 07)


Notes and limitations:


The AGM-136A was prototype for a cruise missile that was designed to loiter over a battlefield, then attack a SAM radar when it lit up. Basically, it was a combination a cruise missiles range/duration time, and the AGM-88 HARM ability to kill SAM radars. It however did not proceed beyond prototype stage before being terminated in 1992.


The paint scheme is 'best guess', based on the few pictures available.


The TW engine does not support a 'loiter' type missile...so best way to use this weapon is like a standard ARM...except with more range.


This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.


Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.


Questions? Contact me at Combatace.



3 Oct 07

What's New in Version   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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