About This File
This is the original 370 gallon drop tank for the F-4B and F-4C, made by the Sargent Fletcher company in California. The tank is slightly different than the later MacDonnell tank introduced in 1965 in that it is slightly shorter and wider, and has a constant taper from the middle out to both ends. The Fletcher tank was most common in US Navy and Marine Corps service, as I have seen photos still in use by 1970. The USAF replaced it by 1966 - very few are seen in the 3-tone Southeast Asia camouflage scheme.
You must be able to run the weaponeditor to install this file.
My thanks to NGHENGO for converting the GMax file into a workable .LOD and .bmp file for me. This is my first step into the 3D modeling world for WOV!
Mike Druzolowski
Minor fix to bitmap and position