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USN BuNums, 1910-1995

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About This File

Bureau Numbers for US Navy Aircraft


A pdf file - make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat!!!


I came across this little file while doing research for the F7U Cutlass, and was asked to share this with the community. Unfortunately, I don't remember what site I found it on, so I can't give the Author proper credits.


I found this file extreamly helpful in creating those pesky little decals that go on the aircraft tail.


The major portion is broken down into number groupgs, NOT by aircraft, so you'll have to hunt around for the proper bird; if you're working off a profile or photo for you skin/decals, you should be able to scroll down to the 'approximate' section to find the serial number (ie: BuNum) you're looking for.


I'm placing this in the "Utilities/Editor" section, as I have NO real idea where it should go!!!




kevin stein

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