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RWR Symbology

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RWR Symbology and Sounds for Third Wire Sims


by: Fubar512


crash test dummies: Jarhead1 and USAFMTL "Dave"


NOTE, these are not totally representitive of the RWR symbology that one might find in real combat aircraft. They are meant to make it somewhat easier to identify threat type (ground or airborne), and threat level (search, track, lock), for ease of game play. The symbols are set up as follows:


S = ground based search radar

Diamond with "T"=ground based radar in track mode

Diamond with 'L"=ground based radar in acquisition mode

Inverted 'V" with "S" below it=Airborne search radar

Inverted 'V" with "T" below it=Airborne radar in track mode

Inverted "V" with "L" below it=Airborne radar in acquisition mode


The colored icons further help identify threat modes, as follows


Green =Search Mode

Yellow =Track Mode

Red = Acquisition mode





Copy the RWR sub-folder of your choice (Green or Colored) and its contents into the aircraft's cockpit folder. The aircraft must have an RWR display to begin with, of course!


Next, you must edit the following entries in that aircraft's avionics.ini to denote the path to the RWR symbol.


(Please note that In the case of TW default aircraft, you will have to extract the avionics.ini from the objectdata.cat file, and place it in the aircraft's folder in order to edit it. You must download and use the SFP1E extraction utilty in order to do so.)




AirSearchTexture=Cockpit/RWR/AirSearch.tga<---Note path statement

AirTrackTexture=Cockpit/RWR/AirTrack.tga<---Note path statement

AirLockTexture=Cockpit/RWR/AirLock.tga<---Note path statement

GroundSearchTexture=Cockpit/RWR/SurfaceSearch.tga<---Note path statement

GroundTrackTexture=Cockpit/RWR/SurfaceTrack.tga<---Note path statement

GroundLockTexture=Cockpit/RWR/SurfaceLock.tga<---Note path statement




SearchSize=0.125<---adjust size to fit RWR display

TrackSize=0.125<---adjust size to fit RWR display

LockSize=0.125<---adjust size to fit RWR display






TrackSound=RWRTrack2.wav<----Sounds (optional)

LockSound=LaunchWarn.wav<----Sounds (optional)


Note the path statement in the Texture statement. This must be followed or the model will default to using the standard texures (icons).


The Size statement is a variable that must be set by the user. I find that a size value of 0.125 is perfect for the F-15 series, and a size of 0.20 works well with the F-14, F-16, and F-18's display. You may need to experiment.


Last, but not least, RWR sounds. I've included two extremely annoying ones for your enjoyment. You can use whatever sounds you want, by simply placing said sounds in the "Sounds" folder, and setting the statement as noted above. Note that sounds must always be monoaural .wav format. MP3 files, and stereo .wavs will not work in any TW sim.


I've included a modified avionics.ini for the default Thirwire F-15A, as found in WoE and WoI, to help you understand what's involved, and to allow those of you who already have those sims to get up and running right away.




by: WarlordATF


Now, When i installed it, It didn't work. I re-checked everything,re-read the readme and everything was done exactly right.


But, I use Easy Avionics! Its simple to fix and i just wanted to provide instructions on how to make it work with Easy mode.


All you have to do is...


Copy the new TGAs, not the RWR folder, Just the new TGAs to your Flight folder and extract the EASYAVIONICSDATA.INI from the Flightdata.cat and edit it like this...













SearchSize=0.15<---Set Size to your preference

TrackSize=0.15<---Set Size to your preference

LockSize=0.15<---Set Size to your preference









And your done, this will give you a fully functional RWR and All RWRs will use the new symbols!

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