About This File
This is ALPHA of Pasko's Bear. Please feel free to improve mod as much as possible.
AI only - for now.
Thx goes to Pasko, Pappy and yours truly.
Special thx goes to MoonJumper /he knows why/
Cheers and good hunting.
P.S> Please note (again) that this is ALPHA mod - still much work to do. When goes to payware - 3d will be changed a lot and virtual pit will be nice one :yes:
Edit > ALPHA Version 0.95/1 some stuff are changed, added chaff/flares - in later years they had them, Jug lights, and Capun suggested me some changes. Thx guys, and thx goes to Gepard too - for his effort. This is still alpha release, so more changes needed to beta status. Pasko is in Europe, when back, he will make proper bomb-bay.
Cheers - and thank you for your interest for this "target" :yes: