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Cockpit Photo Addon for the ThirdWire Series

   (1 review)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Version 1.0


This mod will allow you to add a personalized photo attached with a piece of tape to just about any cockpit.



Things you will need:


1. Any version of a ThirdWire sim patched to Oct 08 or newer.


2. A graphics editing program (Gimp, Paint.net, Adobe Photoshop, etc) that can work with .bmp files.


3. (Optional) CAT Extractor, located here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=343



*********************CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION*********************************


This mod will change how the cockpit interacts with the external model. You may need to do multiple adjustments depending on how they relate to each other. If you are NOT willing to be ready to do this, DO NOT install this mod.


The technique used is similiar to what was done in this thread (and can have the same pitfalls): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32148


*********************CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION*********************************






This still relies on the FE Open Cockpit method to make outside parts visible inside the cockpit.


The 'photo' will be visible externally as well, but only for a very short distance...in other words, you won't see it outside unless you're very close up.


Questions? Contact me at CombatAce.


8 Dec 08

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