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Germany CE Rescaled Trees for Brain32 / Jan Tuma Tree Mod

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About This File

This is a set of rescaled trees for Jan Tuma's tree set mod for Brian32 GermanyCE repainted tiles. You must have Brian32's repainted tiles V1.0 for GermanyCE terrain to use this mod.


I have reduced the tree size to a more realistic size to help facilitate sense of speed and scale.




Install Brian32's repainted GermanyCE tiles. Copy all the files in this package to your WOE\TERRAIN\GERMANYCE folder. Over write when asked.


That's it. Go fly.




Permission to rerelease Jan's tress was given to me by Jan. I thank him for his allowing me to release this mod to the community. All terms of use from Jan's mod apply to this mod as this was originally his work. I just merely rescaled / added more trees. For freeware use only.





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