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Yugoslav MiGs

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About This File

This is a mod I've had on my HD for a while now. It's been waiting for a home to fly

over (Brain32's Balkans Terrain) ...but there is always that Kosovo terrain to...


Anyway, this includes a SFR Yugoslav Air Force MiG-29A and MiG-21MF. Going by their

owner's designations of L-18 and L-15M respectivly. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFR_Yugoslav_...ignation_System



This uses the stock MiG-21MF, and the MiG-29A(MIG29Readme) availible on CombatACE,

which I've included.It also includes "MiG-29A Cockpit"(Readme) built off the F-4Es,

originally by Fubar512.Also included are a MiG-29A and MiG-21MF skin by jagl04 and a

MiG-21MF skin by Wolf65. Note that I have included Wolf65's read me, named "read me"

The first two skins did not come with one. I have also used lindr2's MiG-29 FM.


Notes: I recommend using 76.IAP-Blackbird's MiG-29 Cockpit if you are going to fly this

often. Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6182

I also reccomend you use Paladrian's MiG-21MF Cockpit, as right now, it's without one.

Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1745





MiG-29A:WPNSSGT,Dave, C5

-Modified FM: lindr2

-Skin: jagl04

-Cockpit Mod: Fubar512

MiG-21MF: TK, Third Wire

-Skins: jagl04, Wolf65



Any problems are mine, not theirs.

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