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New Dirty Exhaust Effect

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New Dirty Exhaust Effects

By NeverEnough


This exhaust effect was inspired by the work of Deuces, Fubar512 and Spillone104.

This New Dirty Exhaust Effects package includes a NewDirtyExhaustEmitter.ini which can be used to supplement the old DirtyExhaustEmitter.ini in your Effects folder for some additional exhaust effect variety.

The New Dirty Exhaust Effect will generate a longer and less dense exhaust plume than the Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect.

The New Dirty Exhaust Effect is configured so that it may be used in either single engine or multiple engine aircraft. The DirtySingleExhaustEmitter will produce slightly less exhaust volume than the DirtyDualExhaustEmitter when used on a dual engine aircraft if you want to decrease the volume of smoke signature for your multi-engine models.

If you wish to have a slightly more smokey single engine aircraft, you could utilize the DirtyDualExhaustEmitter in a single engine aircraft.


You can easily choose between the two effects to get whatever exhaust smoke trails happen to suit you!

Both of these exhaust effects can be applied to single, dual or multi-engined aircraft models.

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