About This File
Warning warning warning High res skins up ahead. Dont install on weak systems unless you resize the bitmaps.
This skin pack contains all three active Squadrons according to my resources.
That flew the Douglas B-66B DL Destroyer 84th BS, 85th BS and 86th BS of 47th Bomberwing all based
at RAF Skullthorpe UK. 1958-62
This skin pack includes actual Serialnumbers for all 72 B-66B buildt (218 decals) all done by me.
How to install??? unpack and copy/paste both folders into the objects folder at your WOX install.
Allow to overwrite when promted. As allways back up you old stuff first. just in case.
Wants to say thanks to Bunyap for creating this beauty in the first place.
Ravenclaw_007 and Sundowner for various tips and tricks and the new wheels.
None of my work may EVER be used in any payware form what so ever. But feel free to use at will otherwise,
just credit my work and I'll be happy.
Enjoy your flight