About This File
MiG-23UB/UM Readme
MiG-23UB (Early & late), MiG-23UM
Model based on Mig-23M model by Rafael{updates BPAo}, skins by Soviet2 by Marcello, used MiG-21MF cockpit.
Screens by Epizikl.
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack.Please intall it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9693 (Updated 13.08.2009, fixed BVP-50-60 Texture)
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy skin folders: Soviet 1 & Soviet2 to MiG-23UB folder, Soviet2 to MiG-23UB_Early, Soviet1 to MiG-23UM
- copy Cabina folder to ALL plane folders;
- copy MiG-23UB, MiG-23UB_Early, MiG-23UM folders to Aicraft folder.
- copy BVP-50-60.* files to Weapons folder {if you download MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack before}
Plane specification:
- Max G: 7.0
- MiG-23UB can use 4 R-3R/R-13M,2 Kh-23. R-60 not allowed.
MiG-23UB versions:
MiG-23UB Early with Wing Version 1 (same as MiG-23S),PR-22SM radar, in production 1969-1971 nor exported
MiG-23UB with Wing Version 3 (same as MiG-23M),no Radar (but used placeholder), in production 1971-1978, for Export 1974-1985
totally 768 planes have been made for VVS
MiG-23UM - UB to ML level updating programm, 251 planes were updated in 1978-1984.
MiG-23UB export:
Algeria - 9 planes in 1974
Angola - 1985
Bulgaria - 15 planes in 1975, updated for UM.
Cuba - 2 Planes in 1978
CzechoSlovakia - 4 planes in 1978-79
Egypt - 6 planes in 1974
Ethiopia - 6 planes in 1981
Hungary - 12 planes in 1980
India - 15 planes 1982-83, 10 planes 2003 (from Ukraine).
Lybia - 8 planes in 1974
N. Korea - 1984
Poland - 6 planes in 1979
Romania - 10 planes in 1980, 2 planes in 1996
Also exported: Afganistan, Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, Yemen