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Snapple give us an update..1 slip isn't bad.I almost did...but I'm using the patches.I can promise you this...work at it and you'll be surprised at how soon all the things you want to buy will be sitting in your lap! I'm going to the wal-mart in a few and get a couple dvds I been wanting,and I'm almost ready to get me a new hotas..thinking cougar.

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Yea I'm getting some cravings, but not enough to make me actually want to go out and buy a pack of smokes, today I made it on one again well actually half of a cigarette (I didnt even want it all), goddamn my jaw hurts from chewing all this gum... but its helping. I find the strongest cravings come on when I'm not doing anything.


My nose is clearing up, and I'm sleeping better now, and all in all not smoking isnt that bad, infact I dont even know why I started, anyway I'm over it now.


But food is becoming much more attractive now... arrrggghhh maybe ill just have an apple or something, gotta stay away from the cookies and iced cream.


Savagkc and Fast Eagle... how you guys doin'?

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I'm finding that I am becoming more and more irritable, hopefully it will pass... soon.

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Day 3; first day without any tobacco at all (1st two days I smoked less than a cig each day).


I am not as irritable as I was friday and saturday, and I actually feel as if I can breathe, only one craving today, and it wasnt that bad.


Lets just see if I can last the whole week. :wink:

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Im not doing to good, i 'm afraid! I ran across a half carton that i didn't know i had so there went the ball game. I am determined to not spend anymore money on cigarettes tho.


it would seem to help if you set a goal to look forward for. Like i want to get a new CPU, case and all. That cost a lot of cigs.


I havent given up on stopping smoking but, admittedly, not doing as well as i should. Altho after smoking for fifty (thats 50) i did expect a relapse (or 2,3) . Still in there fighting. If i can keep it to 1 or 2 smokes a day for a couple days. Then i figure i drop it all togeather and only go crazy 1 or 2 times a day.



You keep at it.



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tomarrow makes 8 weeks for me!!! patches and candy! ok want proof:

8 weeks and I have $120.00 cash in the box.

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I think I may have broken, im not smoking in my car(I drive alot), and im not smoking during class breaks, but as long as there's cigs around me, I cant help it, and its not the nicotine, I just like smoking, alas I'll keep trying. It's just sitting in front of this screen, and after meals, is such a bitch.


I'll consider it a tactical victory, since im not buying cigs, and im not chain smoking anymore, that'll do till I can really get myself in the state of mind.


Try, try, and try again.

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