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hey guys... i'm going away for a week

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like every "good" soldier hehe i'm going to guard/watch another base for a week


starting monday morning


it's called "avtash" in hebrew... sometimes it's a small town inside/outside the green line


mine will always be the same base 20 min from home hehe :cool:


dont worry it's not dangerous ^_^


already got my weapon and ammo... sweet shortened m16a1




take care guys...


stay safe


Cheers, Nesher

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actually i might fire a few rounds in the range if i get the chance :)

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Shoot first ask quesitons later. And above all be safe.

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Just come home

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yeah buddy things seem to be getting restless over there again.be safe crank up the sonata arctica and blast any hamas pricks who threaten the peace.Most important though come home in one peace.

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Hi there Nesher. :)

Its the last day of pass over today.

I just gut back from Eilat a couple of days ago, had a great time over there, just to get home and hear of yet another homicide bomber in the old bus station in Tel-aviv. :angry:

I guess this is the s**t we have to put up with, don't we?

Anyway. today is also the MIMUNA man. :haha:

Try not to eat to many MUFLETAS, or you will end up rolling down the street like a barrel. :rofl:

Oh and leave some space for the barbecue.

Stay safe . :bye:

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hey guys, thanks for all the concern for me :)

i'm back home after a long long week but it's finally over


ohh Mannie, even in the Mimuna i think i ate Maza becuase they didn't have brad there yet but it wasnt that bad hehe...


and 1 little thing, i wrote a few "songs" when i was the tower in the middle of the guard... most of the songs are in hebrew

but just for you guys i wrote in English a couple of songs ^_^

i'll write them down here later


for now Cheers guys

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check this out hehe :rofl:




guarding for 4 hours


people are in their towers


time is running slow


i wish some sh!t will blow


i want to shoot at things


or at least have a couple of drinks


on monday it's gonna end


maybe i should join a band




and the second song is:




this base is wack


at least i'm not in the back


the main gate is my dill


and sometimes were doing a drill


wish i could be home


they think were in a f**king war


i'm going crazy for sure




tell me what u think :cool:

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Its OK Nesher. :clapping:


Not "comfortably numb" yet, (Pink Floyd- The Wall) but OK.


Do you also compose them?

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i asked someone in my unit to do so...

(u know how to translate "Mador" to English? hehe)

but when i come back on wednesday or thursday

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Mador - department ; (journalism) section ; compartment ;) :yes:

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babylon? hehe :)

thanks but i don't think it's the same meaning... ^_^

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