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I've never gotten any add-on F-104s to work in WOV...


Is there one that works?

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They all work when installed correctly. Some of the F-104s are completely new models... but they may still need cockpits. If you try to fly an aircraft that is missing files, it won't work. Carefully follow the readme files to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need to fly.


If you simply buy Strike Fighters Project 1 (available in the US for $5 at Circuit City) or Strike Fighters Gold (which is available in Europe), you will get the stock F-104G and all of its associated files (decals and cockpit). The stock F-104G can be imported in to WOV or at the very least will provide some decals and a cockpit for some of the other addons.

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Are they even showing up in the menu?

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yeah, they show up......but, are invisible when I go to external view.


I have a copy of SFP1, the import idea sounds like a winner. How hard is that?

The one I got to work was the F-104C-10 by wpnssgt. But, it really wasn't functional w/o external view.

Think the cockpit was an F-4, it showed, but a/c was not there. Tried to take off, and wouldn't stear.


I have alot of luck with most add-on a/c....this is just one I really want, but....

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If the plane is invisible, then you're missing its .lod files, or the path to them is not correct (in a separate folder, etc). and the game cannot find them. Lod files are the actual 3D model files.

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I imported the SFP1 F-104G. Missing something though....won't take off, release the brake and BOOM!


Started in the air, and seemed okay, but note the warnings...."canopy unsafe", and "gear unsafe"

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ok, now I added F-104C by Adjunaidr, it worked in air, added F-104G cockpit, that worked, but

still got the warnings....

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Well the F-104C WILL take off w/o blowing up....so, its just the F-104G that's not liking SEA!


Still would like the Warnings to go away, but I can live with it!i

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Guess what? Went to Thirdwire, downloads, SFP1, F-104G add-on.....installed into WOV vs SFP1, and

WAHLA!!!!! Perfect.....!!!!


I am stoked!

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Guess what? Went to Thirdwire, downloads, SFP1, F-104G add-on.....installed into WOV vs SFP1, and

WAHLA!!!!! Perfect.....!!!!


I am stoked!


Here it is!!!




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You need to extract the F-104G decals from SFP1 and copy them to the Objects folder of WOV... look at your screenshots, the skins are missing some markings ;)

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You need to extract the F-104G decals from SFP1 and copy them to the Objects folder of WOV... look at your screenshots, the skins are missing some markings ;)


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It' good to be stoked! Alot of times its not the destination but the journey. :ph34r: CL



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