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I bought WoE, tried to install Suez and Israel maps, but the readme said that i need to copi the file desert.cat from SFP1.

There is a way to download that file or bypass it by another means or my only option is to buy SFP1?

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Guest Saganuay82





in your "terrain".ini in the terrains folder.

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You can only get the desert.cat from strike fighters.

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I'm having the same 'issue' with WoV (I just liberated it from a less-than-appreciative stepson who got it for Christmas :spiteful: ). I have been using the "VietnamSEA.CAT" file in place of "desert.cat". It seems to work OK so far.

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Done that and it seems that works...at least half of it :P

Israel v1.5 mas GermanCE as desert.cat


Look at this, it is suposedly to be the runaway (no runaway,no tower, no hangar)







Also my wingman's craft is inside mine's!


When i click the planing map it crashes to Windows

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Given that you can pick up SFP1 at Circuit City (in person or online) for only $5, I don't see what the big deal is? Go buy it!

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I live in Argentina so it is a little difficult :D

WoE was a gift from mi brother in law, and he will come back in....some years!

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Yes, Strike Fighters is cheap (I'd get it from CC before even thinking about stealBay), but I'd like to hear some input from other campaign or map builders on how to possibly get around this issue.


If for no other reason than geek bragging rights...

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Simply put, you cant get around it. There are too many subtle differences in the sims. The airfields alone may look exactly alike aside from the sand/jungle, but they are not when you start to get around to fine tuning. Desert vs Vietnamsea. Some of it will work, and some of it simply will not. Improvements by the designers have brought these sims to a higher level. You start messin around trying to swap CATS and you will unwantingly become very intimate with the knowledge data base. :no:


Save yourself a lot of Excedrin and get the SFP1. :)

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It is possible to install any terrain using any of the 3 .cat files. Most 3rd party terrains are created expecting to be used with desert.cat, but will work with GermanyCE.CAT or VietnamSEA.CAT just fine.


It requires some edit's to the terrain's _target.ini for the airfields to work.


Also, for terrain's that use the terrain tiles from desert.cat, (ie Israel, Southern Cali, etc) you'll need to download either Deuce's or Polak's alternate desert tiles.


I'm going to write up the procedure for USAFMTL's knowledge base.


I have Gephard's Israel terrain working in WOE, with ONLY the files included with WOE.

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Ah-ha! I found the missing part of my puzzle.


Instead of putting my copy of Deuce's desert tiles in the Israel folder, I was putting the tiles into a 'desert' folder I created. Previoulsy, I had a desert as white as wind-driven snow...


Thanks, JSF_Aggie!

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It is possible to install any terrain using any of the 3 .cat files. Most 3rd party terrains are created expecting to be used with desert.cat, but will work with GermanyCE.CAT or VietnamSEA.CAT just fine.


It requires some edit's to the terrain's _target.ini for the airfields to work.


Also, for terrain's that use the terrain tiles from desert.cat, (ie Israel, Southern Cali, etc) you'll need to download either Deuce's or Polak's alternate desert tiles.


I'm going to write up the procedure for USAFMTL's knowledge base.


I have Gephard's Israel terrain working in WOE, with ONLY the files included with WOE.


I too was able to get the Suez terrain to work in WOE, with ONLY the files included with WOE. I used Dueces desert terrain, and I followed your instructions for renaming the airfields in the suez_targets.ini. Everthing works great, and the map is a lot of fun. One thing though, the CITY-RIVERMOUTH.TGA texture does not blend well with the adjacent SEA1.tga textures. I also had to rearrange a few CITY-MOUNTAIN textures as well.


Given that you can pick up SFP1 at Circuit City (in person or online) for only $5, I don't see what the big deal is? Go buy it!


I also agree with this advice. I found WOE at Best Buy and bought WOV from Comp-USA on-line. Then I saw WOV for LESS money at Circuit City. It never occurs to me to get software at Circuit City for some reason. But I did not see SF1 there. Its worth the 5 bucks for the terrain and the F-104.

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Circuit City online is best way to find it.

And if you live around or in Cincinati, Ohio.... 2 copies are at Micro Center last time I was there in March 06. Between I-75 and Mosteller Exit's on I-275.

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Circuit City online is best way to find it.

And if you live around or in Cincinati, Ohio.... 2 copies are at Micro Center last time I was there in March 06. Between I-75 and Mosteller Exit's on I-275.


Probably one now because i ordered one a fews months back and it came from that store.

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