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Eliahu Ashery!

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on sunday he was kidnaped from the "Shomron" area


he was executed the same night by one of the Terrorist groups sitting in Ramalla, he was shot in the head...


he was found earlier today after IDF Forces arrested one of the members of the group responsible to his kidnaping!




on Tuesday IDF started the "Summer Rains" operation in Gaza for the kidnaped Soldier


and Kasam firing on Israel.


IAF 4 F-16's went Super sonic over the Palace of Syrian President Assad!






dont flame the topic! thanks

Edited by Nesher

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I will keep him and my familiy in my prayers tonight.I just hope that Israel gets the @%$($^#&^# responsible for this and sends them to hell after a lengthy interogation.I almost wish Israel would just once not use there infinate restraint and just level any trace of those Hamas terroists.They have been give to many chances maybe giving them a little taste of what they give out will stop their madness,I doupt it but one can hope. :rolleyes:

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My prayers and sympathy for this young man and his family.

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I feel saddend by the loss of this soldier. I will keep him in my prayers. I totally agree with you White Knight, Hamas should pay for this. Hopefully peace will take over, but I fear that Hamas will have to be removed from power first.



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thanks for the kind words

Mark, Eliahu wasn't the soldier that was kidnaped in Gaza

he was the civilian kidnaped the same day

but the news about it came only a day or two after..

Edited by Nesher

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Nesher, I feel for you my man. This kind of warfare is cowardly and unjust. All terrorists must die, and how they could elect a terrorist group into public leadership roles for a nation, I just do not understand. It's insane.


That being said however, I feel that this topic is a little too politically charged and too WCE for a flight sim site. Sorry, but that's just my judgement call on that, even though I side with you on the underlying issue. I'm gonna close this one, but leave it in the Pub for viewing. I just do not want anything to get out of hand and get ugly in here.


If another mod or admin wnts to re-open this, then I am fine with that, but for now we'll table this one.



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