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The KS-19 100mm Flak is not very effective in WOV, but cou could try to implement the KS-60 57mm. It fires much faster and is much more effective. Personaly i had never troubles with KS-19, but KS-60 hit me a couple of times. The same is with 37mm Flak or the Bofors from WW2 terrains.

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I have been smoked by flak up high multiple times, and it says on the mission log Capt. Stinson was hit by KS-19 100mm Flak cannon. Its not all there for eye candy, and i was in an add on FB-111 so what does that tell u, with flares n chaff and ECM capability.


That it mentioned you were shot down buy a KS-19 is interesting. I did a bit of testing over an area with only KS-19's and the times I got shot down it only said "Captain whoever was shot down over whereever." No mention of the KS-19 at all. That was in Strike Fighters Project 1. Maybe some differences between games?

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"Something in the neighborhood of 90% of F-105 combat losses were due to flak."


But where in their flight regime did it happen? I'll put money that most of the losses were on the attack run, coming in on a predicible flight path, diving from high to low. Think about it, if you're a AAA gunner at or very close to the target the aircraft is trying to hit, his lateral and vertical movement from your perspective is very little once he's on his final run. On the other hand, if you're trying to shoot straight up at a target moving across your vision at full speed, his vulnerability goes down as his altitude goes up.


AAA at high altitude, even radar guided guns, are still vulnerable to simple distance and time issues. Once the shell leaves the barrel, it's unguided, and the target only has to jink a little vertically or horizontally (preferably both) to throw off the targeting solution. Even the KS-19, a 100mm AAA gun with a muzzle velocity of 1000 m/s at the barrel, would still take at least 10 seconds to reach a target at 30k (assuming no speed loss due to drag or gravity). Assuming the target is traveling at only 6 miles a minute (360 TAS), he only needs a 10 degree heading or pitch change to change 100 feet. If the target is faster, higher, or does more of a jink, the AAA gunnery solution is even tougher.


The best way to minimize the 'wall of flak' defense is to do multi axis/mult altitude attacks to minimize coverage in any one direction. Other than that, standard SEAD tactics and staying out of range with standoff weapons is the best way to avoid it.



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The one thing i never am is blase when it comes to flak.


I just found it weird to have all this 37-57-100mm flak being fired up at me and i never got hit. Below 1000 feet i've got torn up by 14.5 and 23mm stuff so i learned not to be down there too long without sufficient airspeed to lessen my exposure.

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In WOV I was flying in a B-52 and I was Hit with a 100mm flak three times and lost my rudder

and almost back to base when a Sa-3 got to mess up the day by flying into a sam network!!!

I let off chaffs but a Sa-3 blow up right next to me and lost two engines.

At base I pull down my landing gear but I forgot they blew it off!!!

So I crash :grin:

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I've bee nailed by Flak a few times. One of the most memorable was when I was Flying the Super Entendard at about 5,000 feet on a runway strike mission. As I was lining up to drop the 2,000 pound bombs I was carrying the flak just started to fill the sky! But I thought it was eye candy and wouldnt do me harm! Well right about after I thought that 100mm flak blew my left wing and my tail off! Leaving no other choice except to eject.

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Judging from all the replies i must have been ordinarily lucky not to have been hit by flak at altitude. I always found it a bit weird to have a burst go off so close to the cockpit that i was actually flinching at the controls but still be untouched!


Knock on wood?

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Those older guns were used quite effectivly by the North Vietnamese.


Something in the neighborhood of 90% of F-105 combat losses were due to flak.


Personally, i avoid the worst of flak by making my minimum altitude at 10000ft. While on my bomb run i try not to dive in lower than 3-4000ft if i can. Since i usually go lower (depends on the target) I get the nose up and into burner as fast as i can.


Terrain i like for breaking the lock of gun and SAM radars. Thud ridge is great for that, and one hill i call "SAM knoll" (due west of Hanoi, past the airfields) has help me dodge SAMs countless times.


All in all, my squadron is getting decimated by SAMs. Of our 6 losses in 23 missions, 5 have been to SAMS and one to a 23mm gun.

When flying WOE I can dodge the SAMS, but get a little to close to the ZSU-23-4 and you're history; doesn't even give you time to eject. Best to use a mav on them before you get in range. I thought there was a download that added more accurate AA stuff. Gives everythig from soldier launched to quad sam 8's.

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The AA blasts on the sky?That´s totally BS.

I guess it was made to scare young pilots,but it is harmless.(for what I noticed)

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The AA blasts on the sky?That´s totally BS.

I guess it was made to scare young pilots,but it is harmless.(for what I noticed)


Check out Fubars' video. It was the final thing that convinced me (along with everyone elses comments.)


When i return to combat i will be a lot more respecful of high altitude AAA. I've never been hit by it, but whay take a chance?

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The AA blasts on the sky?That´s totally BS.

I guess it was made to scare young pilots,but it is harmless.(for what I noticed)


There are a lot of dead pilots that would disagree with you.



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I don't know what it is, but I find a perverse fun in flying through a wall of flak. I guess it adds that bit of immersion that would be missing without it.


Although personally, I haven't found any flak scarier than that in IL-2. If one goes off 5 feet away, you know something just got screwed up. (And the tracers from AA... Whew...)

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