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post-7429-1154688206_thumb.jpgJust downloaded some pictures from the U-2 50th reunion held at Beale AFB, California. Thought some readers might be interested. Img0100 is a shot from the squadron bar where our record setters have their names enshrined. I have the dubious honor of being on the 'silent birdman' roll of honor. Indicates a dead-stick landing from and operational mission, but it is one of those honors, like a purple heart, you hope never to win. Pics include a current U-2S cockpit photo, a new U-2S Glass cockpit, the global hawk, the U-2S with its chase vehicle (special built hi-power Mustang), the T-38 (black-used to keep the pilots proficient stateside since the vast majority of operational U-2s are deployed elsewhere), the NASA U-2R, and an unusual formation flight of a P-51 and an A-10 that was mustered for the reunion. The reunion honored this year the Republic of China pilots that flew the U-2 over Red China some years back. We were pleased to have 4 of the surviving pilots join us and honored the RoC pilots that did not come back right along with our own who never returned. The cold war was never cold in the reconnaissance arena.







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Yes, thanks for posting the pics. I read a story about the U-2 program in a magazine recently. Quite an interesting tale!

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Hey Jug, When did you fly U-2s? My Grandpa worked on them for a while and it would be weird if you 2 knew eachother.



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So, I take it you were a U-2 pilot yourself? If so, my hat's off to you.


Thank you.



Hey Jug, When did you fly U-2s? My Grandpa worked on them for a while and it would be weird if you 2 knew eachother.





I flew the U-2 between 1979 and 1983 and the TR-1 between 1988 and 1990. My callsign was the same as it is here, Jug. Knew most of the Mx troops, deployed with a lot of them and placed my life in their quite capable hands. Came to respect and admire their skill, attitude, and team effort. It truly was a small flying club. 20-25 squadron pilots at any given time and quite a bit more, but quite skilled maintenance troops and that was it. Big results from a tightly knit dedicated bunch. Sometimes I have to ask my wife if I really was a part of all that.

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<S> to Jug.


I have met and talked with many pilots over the years, but never a U-2 pilot. It is an honor meet you if only in this virtual community.

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Sierra Hotel!


I drove by the gates to Beale AFB 2 weeks ago today, just after finding an abandoned McClellan AFB museum.


I never wrenched a recce jet, just armed aicraft, which, as a load-toad, makes sense.


Definately a dangerous job flying and maintaining those rascals back in the bad ol' Cold War days.


My hat is off to all of you... :good:

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Sierra Hotel!


I drove by the gates to Beale AFB 2 weeks ago today, just after finding an abandoned McClellan AFB museum.


I never wrenched a recce jet, just armed aicraft, which, as a load-toad, makes sense.


Definately a dangerous job flying and maintaining those rascals back in the bad ol' Cold War days.


My hat is off to all of you... :good:


Thanks Spectre! We used to joke that the fighter pilots went to war in groups of four, armed to the teeth, and terrified. Recce troops go to war alone, unarmed, and fearless. As with most sayings, it lies not quite point on the truth, but its not far off. Lost several friends along the way, but, evidently, we were effective along the way.


<S> to Jug.


I have met and talked with many pilots over the years, but never a U-2 pilot. It is an honor meet you if only in this virtual community.


Thank you Streakeagle. I now fly with a great group here and online. I think it is an honor to fly with them.

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