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Su-39 dropped from flyable list, now AI only

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Damn, that's bad news, but I can see why the are doing it. I have a feeling they are really under the gun to get this to market, and with all the setbacks lately something had to give.

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Just my two cents but here it goes:


The SU-39 is the successor to the SU-25...matter of fact....it's also known as the SU-25T. The SU-25 is in the game. As sad as I am to see any dev team axe an aircraft, the plane is still there...just not the avionics and weapon delivery systems of the much more advanced SU-39.


This narrows the game more to a better time period. All the aircraft, whether varients or not have good conterparts now...


I can just hear the wish listers muffed voices for more aircraft!!!


The decision was made, and I think Wags and the team have made the right one. I wanna see this sim before Pentium hits the 4Ghz mark.





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Okay, it's understandable (the why part), but what truly sucks here is that the SU-39 is the Navalized variant of the 25. If you fly Flanker 2.51,there is a flyable (user-made SU-39) but you can't land it on the deck. and it's not a dead-on model to begin with, but challanging none the less.


The Naval part of Flanker was/is suppose to be ported over to LOMAC, so the ability to land on the Carrier is/was still present, to my understanding. So, if your like me and wanted this bird for it's carrier ops value, then this is really sad news :cry:

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Well lets hope it can be added later after release in a patch. If they needed to cut it due to time constraints then I can understand, so seeing that they have put work into that aircraft It makes sense that once LOMAC is released they can just finish up the plane and add it through a patch later.

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