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Probs - F16A Block10 by Xevilpetex

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I got the f16a block10 by xevilpetex however some things are awry.


The CCIP extends below the hud.


The waypoint needle is missing.


The afterburner sound doesn't work - it wants the stock JetBurner but no sound i have and tried to make it use other afterburner sounds but still no sound.


There is no canopyGlass reflections - it has F86_reflection1.tga (and 2), I assume these are correct. (Makes this particular jet seem incomplete as no struts to show that there is a canopy)


Just a screenie af cockpit panelScreenHunter_003.bmp

Edited by csb

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I got the f16a block10 by xevilpetex however some things are awry.


The CCIP extends below the hud.


The waypoint needle is missing.


The afterburner sound doesn't work - it wants the stock JetBurner but no sound i have and tried to make it use other afterburner sounds but still no sound.


There is no canopyGlass reflections - it has F86_reflection1.tga (and 2), I assume these are correct. (Makes this particular jet seem incomplete as no struts to show that there is a canopy)





I believe it is a known issue that the CCIP extends below the HUD, and not something that can be fixed with just manipulating the ini files.


Make sure that the sound file you are trying to use is in the Sounds folder, then copy and paste the name of the sound to the engine sound line in the aircraft's data ini.


The other thing you can try is to copy in and use the cockpit from another F-16.

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I got the f16a block10 by xevilpetex however some things are awry.


The CCIP extends below the hud.


The waypoint needle is missing.


The afterburner sound doesn't work - it wants the stock JetBurner but no sound i have and tried to make it use other afterburner sounds but still no sound.


There is no canopyGlass reflections - it has F86_reflection1.tga (and 2), I assume these are correct. (Makes this particular jet seem incomplete as no struts to show that there is a canopy)




The F16 pit is still a beta and has not been finished I believe.


I think the CCIP does this in all the planes even the stock WOE ones - though if someone could confirm that.


The F16 does not have struts at the front of its canopy - if you look around to a 6 oclock view you will see the struts at the rear.


For the burner - open up F-16A_data.ini in notepad and use the find function to find the [engine] section which will be near the bottom.

Check the following lines say this and change them if not:





It assumes that you have installed a modified sound file into your sound folder specifically for the F16.



btw the ground radar does not work with the pit either yet

Edited by CoolHand29

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Thanks, fellas


Info in data.ini matches ok.


I had to change the engine sound as it wanted a sound file I don't have(engine sound ok) but still can't get it to play afterburner.


Actually it does seem to use the sound I allocate BUT very quietly. AND I noticed that all my addon a/c (I have 5) have similar problem. I can't get addons to play afterburner very loud only very quiet (sounds like soft rumble, just audible).


SO MUST BE MY SYSTEM/INSTALL perhaps. Any thoughts/ideas?


I tried to increase sound volume using WinXP Sound Recorder but no go.


Sound recorder does work as I have done it with other SF sounds (flaps, tyre touch, etc) but it won't work here. Have tried various alternatives as I have some sound packs DL's.

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Well. I finally got em all to work with an addon sound.


But still no canopy reflections and I then dl'd another f16, still no reflections.


Anyone else have this prob - other addons have reflections.

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Well. I finally got em all to work with an addon sound.


But still no canopy reflections and I then dl'd another f16, still no reflections.


Anyone else have this prob - other addons have reflections.



There are no reflections in the F16 pits from what I can see - this depends on how the model was created I would say - Im not sure what needs changing but its nothing to do with your system or install.

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There are no reflections in the F16 pits from what I can see - this depends on how the model was created I would say - Im not sure what needs changing but its nothing to do with your system or install.




In order for a cockpit reflection to work, it must be referenced in the cockpit's lod file.




You, as a third-party modder, cannot add something to a finished lod. You only edit existing references in a lod file to use other bmps or tgas (pilot skins are the best example of this) Only the person who has the original F-16 cockpit source file can add the reflections.

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OK thanks. Got used to having reflections. Now makes me feel vulnerable.


Just hope I don't fall out :shout:

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