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I felt the same way....they all just stared at the guy. But, this may be do to training... Do your job and let the guy who suppose to do his...(attend to the wounded). On a busy deck, if you deviate from SOP, your likely to get hurt yourself.

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Fates is right about the training part. If you notice the guys in the back are all giving the "Suspend" signal to stop all movement on the roof. I'm sure that all the phone talkers are screaming for a Corpsman also. This looks like it was on Cat2 so the Medical personel are at the Island about a hundred feet away.


Let this be a lesson, a little parnoia and keeping your head on a swivel shall help you live to be an old man.

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That Poor man I guess He will get to go home. What we say at my work is, well thats WORKERS COMP LOL

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Hehe, there's always one guy who has to be shown "...why we don't do that on the flight deck." :swoon:

Edited by SayWhat?!

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