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Can anybody say, why gunsight of F-4 -Phantoms and its cannon are speaking different language.

If u trust it, u never hit target.

I know gunsight has 3 position. 1. for automatic (Ace maker) 2. fixed position and 3. for bombing.


In 1. and 2. positions cannon shoot all the time too low. Hit point in autogunsight- and fixed one -position

are always half of low part of aiming circle. (Between middle point and lowest edge of aiming ring)

Why not in middle, where it should be?


Bomber-position, no help either.

Hit point is mutch over aimining ring. LOL. U cannot use it too.

Desperate situation, because Gun-man of F-4- Phantoms are like Firefighter with soft waterpipe. He he! :lol:

Look 2 pics with this post.

Shooting in runway. Pic 04 shows 1.-2 posions and pic 06 Bombing position of sight.



I ask u veteran, can u help?

Are there any way to adjust this system.

Cannon of fighterplane must shoot, where middle point of gunsight shows???

If its possible to adjust, how to do it?


Must do something:

1) Adjust Cunpod shoot upper?

2) Adjust gunsight little lower ?


Or may be,,, i cannot use that gun.

Perhaps there are there any system to lock gun accurate for enemy plane? Are there?


What to do??


AAFG_Sturmo :crazy:


Anyway good game. But to me its difficult be Marksman, because i have not MARK. LOL. :crazy:



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That's weird, because I've never experienced problems with the F-4s gunsight.

There might be a couple things wrong:

Have you fiddled with the cockpit.ini?

Have you fiddled with the viewlist.ini?

Were those screenshots taken in normal cockpit view (F1)?

If all of those are no, then maybe one of the cockpit gurus can help you. I know you can adjust the gunsight, but I don't know how. It might be in the knoledge base.

I sound like an answering machine at a technical help hotline, if you have problems with this, press 1... LOL

Oh, and also, the bombsights are very hard to use, there's a guide on how to use it at simHQ somewhere..., but they still work.


Good luck! :smile:

Edited by jtin

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All Phatom types have same problem.

In have modded only Wiew.ini for better zoom. No more.

Pics have taken from ordidary cocpit yes.


That problem are not serius. But got good too. It makes shooting less accurate.

For excample i fly after enemy Mig-17 figter. MiG is flying straigt forward home. Pilot dont see me.

I take gentle good aiming. When enemy plane are just middle in sight. I shoot short burst.

What happend? ha ha ha.

Bullit didnt hit, they all go past, under MIG. LOL. MiG note me and start to dance. LOL.


But now when i know that,. I dont aim that way any more.


I set my Gunsight middle point 1/4 part over MIG. So i get easy kill. LOL.


Shooting bombers behind, need different tactick. No plenty time, or reargunnet get u.

For that purpose i was forced to developed new quite weird tactick.

I take target far middle in gunsight. Then i shoot long burst pulling same time joystick up.

That way enemy leave between glimbing burst. He he. Enemy get usyally fatal hit and i get kill.


Its good way, but i lost plenty ammo. Thats problem.

Althought enemy plane is accuired and locked, system must be same.


That is reason too, why i ask help from Gunsight Curus. I need correct my aiming system.

Is it possible at all???


I have been many years in IL2FB. I do know how to shoot. LOL

I this game like to use fixed gunsight. No auto, because to me its, too restless.


In Il2FB:n P-51 Mustang has good AutoGunSight too. We used it of course, because i was best.

But same time we used fixed aiming ring too. Both was on. In this game we cannot use them together.


AAFG_Sturmo :crazy:


But if anybody cannot help. Never mind. I Only ask.

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any use?






These are a bit dated now in terms of the screenshots as TK has improved the radar symbology etc. over the years.

In case you don't know the author (Andy Bush) is a former F-104, F-4 & A-10 pilot with Vietnam experience.

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Good answer.

I must say that i and my friend in my SQ:n have prefer to use Gunsight all the time on caged mode.

In tight net dogfight no time to lock anything. LOL.

It has leaved as habit to all Gun-shooting, in off line campaing too. :crazy:

Look pic with this message. It shows where bullits go with gaged mode.


But next time, if i succeed to ambush some enemy plane behind.

I shall lock it with radar before shooting. :ok:


BTW. This forum is fantastic. If u need help. U will get it too.

Thx again BUFF.


AAFG_Sturmo :crazy:


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Hi Sturmo


Try this edit in the F4's data.ini, under the [FlightControl] section (near top of data.ini).


Change the value for GunBoresightAngle= to a higher number. My stock value is -2 (Negative number!!!).


In all F4's I actually found the rockets would shoot too low, so I changed the RocketBoresightAngle to higher value.


Rockets were -5, now -1 (gunsight still -2)


I think I will check my guns accuracy as well. And I always use caged mode for shooting guns, can't stand the floating reticle.


Strange though, I think these are actually for the ai.


PS I will send you email soon. Cheers, mate.

Edited by csb

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Thx Csb.

I will modifye my Gunsight same way as u said.

Lets see do it help.


AAFG_Sturmo :crazy:


BTW. Thx. I am waiting u email.

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Hey Sturmo I feel your pain. It's the nature of the beast tho. This is the reason the gun has tracers. Give it a quick squirt, compensate, another shot. "SHACK" Roll off get airspeed and altitude and either bug out or find another target. When the gun is empty It's back to building 43 parked in the Tonkin Gulf, Sea of Japan, or Gonzo Station for ahh..... a glass of bug juice. I hate it when they run out of ice tea! :ph34r: CL




Edited by charlielima

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LOL charlielima.


That best way. He he. :crazy:


I just completed Rattle Snake Campaing. Look pic. First time i was victory side in that fury campaing.


In first part of campaing MIGs of Paran beated our F-4 D:s Phantoms almoust in every missions. But not any more, when we got supply and i started to use always 2 -3 GunPods.


Soviet made MiG:s loves Closecombat. But in that situation to get kill with early model sidewinders and sparrows are not easy. I trust more guns.


I noted that after that Idea ( to use more gunpods), most agressive boys of Paran became less agressive. ( Died). So that good burst of F-4 D:s Gunpattern was best medicine to boys of Paran. LOL.


Look Pic. 60 missions. Hard work.


Its true, that locked autoGunsight of game is too lazy. Now i use both. In tight digfight with Caged mode but in gentle sitution i prefer autoGunsight.


Sorry Csb. Editing of F4's data.ini help nothing. It dont move. To use Gaged mode like ShotGun is best way. Trust yourself only. LOL.


AAFG_Sturmo :crazy:


Very speedy and exciting game. :crazy::crazy:

THX Third Wire.


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