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was someone working on an A-10 Warthog

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Just wondering where it is. Last time i checked, it looked darn near ready to go.




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Guest Ranger332

its done just needs fine tuning









A-10 Evaluation


Here it is the almost complete A-10 Warthog!!



Aircraft Dev (B-52)


Mood: Outstanding!

posted on 10/4/03 at 20:15

as he is pcs ing hope he wont mind my replying He is doing great things for the sim "hats off to yas bro" as soon as it is were he wants it he will release it . hope that will hold you over till hes done getting it right.

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He's doing a great job on this model, but is it just me, or are the proportions "off"? The fusalage looks way too short and stubby, especially the nose. I'm sure he'll get it tweaked correctly before he releases it. ;)

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Guest PhantomWarrior

think its the pilot it throughs off the ratio as its the one thing that is universal to all the jets. Hes to small so everything looks too big. but in time it will be amoung the sweetest of the sweet.

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OK, great. I can certainly understand a PCS move being retired USA myself.


Hope it goes well for him.




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It looks very promising!



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I am glad that this tank buster comes alive.


Is it possible that the cockpit seems too high/too big? I really appreciate the modding work though! Please don't get me wrong. :wink:




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I think now what it is , is the pilot postion playing tricks with our eyes. Hopefully once wpnsgt is back in the US and set up this project will get rolling .

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I think I figured it out. It's not just the position, but the size of the aircraft in relation to the pilot. If we use the pilot as the scale base, then the A-10 is wayyyy too big. For example, the tires on the plane are almost as big as the pilot, which is certainly not true in real life.

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yup, proportions seem quite strange. Pilot is definitely sitting way too high. Entire AC looks like an A-10 but many parts does not seem correct...

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