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Why do the Fokker and Albatouse fly like crap. They seem to be in a consatant tailskid and they don't want to push over

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Since the patch, focusing on the stock planes, I have noticed that the German planes do not respond as well as they should. If I am in a bank and I apply right rudder to get out of the bank the DVII is sluggish whearas this would not happen with the SPAD, SE5, or updated Camel. All of these planes seem to out perform the DVII. The DVII should out turn the SPAD. In the DVII I have even been in a circular bank many times and it would almost be impossible to pull out and even straighten. This does not happen with the Allied planes. What's the deal?


Still like this game ...

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Why do the Fokker and Albatouse fly like crap. They seem to be in a consatant tailskid and they don't want to push over


Iv not flown the D7 much but the Albatroses fly like crap because they have a bad engine power to mass ratio and they have a slow roll rate.


The fact that they are heavy means they have alot of momentum in the direction you are going. This adds on to the "skidding" and with the slow roll rate it does take ages to get these planes around from one manouver and into the next one.



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The fact that they are heavy means they have alot of momentum in the direction you are going. This adds on to the "skidding" and with the slow roll rate it does take ages to get these planes around from one manouver and into the next one.


One has to wonder if these are accurate depictions, how did the German's manage to shoot down as many Allied aircraft as they did? Seems a bit overdone IMO.

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Bloody April.


Germans scored a crap load of RAF kills in April 1917. They scored most of them flying Albatros DII and DIII.


By the end of April 1917 the RAF started rollin out more and more SE5´s and the tide started shifting slightly. By May 1917 the Camel started arriving on the battle field and the germans started loosing air supperiority.


But already in March 1917 Richthofen was bitching about how bad the Albatros was and was flying Halberstadt DII for a breif period. He was also supposed to have said that something along these lines "Our morale is so bad now due to our planes that no one wants to be a fighter pilot any more".


Killing DH2s, BE2s, FE2s and Sopwith 1½ Strutters in a Albatros DII or DIII is one thing... Killing Camels and SE5s in Albatros DII or DIII is another....


Ok Im not comparing with the french who had better planes then the RAF in April 1917 but still shows my point the Albatros DI and DII where "uber planes" compared to their early opposition but then "crap planes" against their late opposition.



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I just flew some with the Fokker and its really no different than the rest IMO. That said, I'm not so sure I like the new FMs as much as the old ones. I think all the old FMs needed was a little more rudder authority without changing anything else and they were fine. The AI dogfighting is better than before though... :dntknw:

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Killing DH2s, BE2s, FE2s and Sopwith 1½ Strutters in a Albatros DII or DIII is one thing... Killing Camels and SE5s in Albatros DII or DIII is another....


Nevertheless the Allies lost hundreds (if not thousands - 5000+ Allied planes were lost in the war, most in the last 2 years) of aircraft well after Bloody April and before the introduction of the DVII - a period when all the Germans had were Alb DV's, Pfalz DIII,s and a handful of Dr-1s. And while lousy Allied pilot training and tactics may have had an impact on this, it doesn't explain it all. If the common German planes were so awful (as depicted in the game now) the Allied Airforces would have swept them from the skies. (this is of course merely my opinion based on my study of the subject)

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I was just watching a programme last night about WWI aircraft/pilots.


main things I took away from it were:

their own aircraft were often just as dangerous to the pilots as the enemy were ...

an aircraft that was top of the heap one month was often at the bottom a few months later such was the rate of change.


In the case of the Albatros the main advantage that it seems to have had when it was introduced was that it carried 2xMG firing forward through the propeller & that it was the increased firepower that gave it the edge rather than any handling advantage.

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Really fascinating discussion, but I still get the feeling that the AI SPADs are out turning the my DVII, which has rudder control. That is not the way they were. I was thinking that it must be extremely difficult to get these planes matched, if not impossible. I was raised on Red Baron II. That may be part of my problem. But, I am so glad I am flying WWI planes again. Thanks for all your hard work!

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Watch the AI. They can turn just about any plane faster than you can. The only plane I've found that can compete in the turn with the AI is the Camel. I find SPADS vs. DVII's or DVIIf's is a pretty good fight if you use the superior speed of the SPAD. However in a turn fight the DVII should win most of the time. But back to what Penske said, I do think most of the planes tend to skid too much post patch.

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Okey we just had an issue with the DVII online here, me and Dread were outturned and in most cases OUTPERFORMED by Spads and SE5`s, I mean, for a plane that the allied actually wanted in return for the armistice, this is a rather bad plane now.





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Okey we just had an issue with the DVII online here, me and Dread were outturned and in most cases OUTPERFORMED by Spads and SE5`s,

the SE.5A & SPAD XIII were both quicker than the DVII (SE.5A slightly but the SPAD noticeably so)

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You can never compare just You in plane X vs AI in plane Y... you have to reverse it as well...


Does the AI out turn you when it is flying DVII and you SPAD?


My guess is YES...


Reason to this... AI cheats... AI always cheats... there is no flight sim where the AI doesnt cheat... for example it could be so that AI can apply more pitch then you can... there is a flag for how much pitch the AI should be able to apply...



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... their own aircraft were often just as dangerous to the pilots as the enemy were ...


Not to belabor a point, but my understanding is that almost as many RFC & RAF pilots died "by Camel" than were shot down in Camels. It was a notoriously unforgiving AC for the inexperienced...

[EDIT: well, maybe not almost...]


IMHO the 3rd party FM should be more unstable to reflect this [and was pre-patch I believe] but the wailing and nashing of teeth that would follow from others, oh well... :rolleyes:

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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Not to belabor a point, but my understanding is that almost as many RFC & RAF pilots died "by Camel" than were shot down in Camels. It was a notoriously unforgiving AC for the inexperienced...


Credited with destroying 1,294 enemy aircraft.

During World War I, 413 pilots died in combat and 385 pilots died from non-combat related causes while flying the Sopwith Camel.

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