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Cup Crazy!

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Is anyone else going cup crazy? I know I am, I live for this time of year... nothing else matters right now... well except for the war, but I will admit my viewing of the news has dropped a whole lot in the past week.

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Yes I followed it on text tv. My favourite team is Detroit Red Wings.

I had there StanleyCup cap of 1998. I'm a big fan of Icehockey.

Here in the Netherlands I follow also a Dutch team.

Detroit Red Wings is this year not good. Lose three times.




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Ya my bro in law is from the U P (michigan), loves the wings, he was stoked about getting CUJO in the offseason, and I warned him about CUJO, people love him, but I'm a goalie, and I know sh*t when I see it.


Too bad I was hoping for a Leafs vs Wings final, that wont happen unless Detroit pulls off a miracle.

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I believe in miracles, but not the Miracle that Detroit wins.

My favourite Dutch team is. Formido Flyers Heerenveen.





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Damn I cant read Dutch. But I can read the 5-0 score in the Tigers favor. :cry:


I heard somewhere that the Dutch invented the Ice Skate; skating around on the frozen canals, or dykes or something. I recall seeing a drawing of a child playing hockey with a big ass windmill in the background. Is this true?


You guys kick ass at speed skating!

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Yes, we skate on open frozen canals behind dykes. And sometimes we have a big tour about 200km in the head of the Netherlands. It call Elfstedentocht. Translated as Elevencitytour. It was for last time in 1997.

When you win that race. You are a hero forever in our country. On frozen lakes we also skate. We skate when there is ice. Long distance is what we like. Sprint also. A few years ago I met Derek Parra. He is famous here. Even with Jennifer Rodriquez, she is also populair here. I met here to.

When the winter is beginning, almost every dutchman/-woman wanna skate. And in the ice-hockyteam of Heerenveen are Americans playing.

Here something what you can read.

www.fansite.ijshockey.com/flyers/fo2.htm or when no signal




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Sorry that the wings are out of it. :cry:


Nothing would be better than a final between 2 original 6 teams.


But hey lets talk about more dutch stuff, since I find it to be facinating.


I heard that carrots are originally purple (this is not a joke), but the dutch did some wierd gene splicing thing (or some fertilitizing thing) centuries ago, and they turned the purple carrots... orange (the national color). Is this true? Odd question from an odd person.

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Red, white, bleu is our flag horizontal.

Orange is indeed our national color. It has to be with the queen last name.

About the carrots. They are orange. Look on a farm and you find no purple carrots in the ground





hopely the best wins the Cup

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Baaahhh carrots.


back to the cup, who are you cheering for now that Detroit is out, can you get the games live there?


I'm supprised nobody else has gotten into this thread, there's a few more pucks fans on this forum.


Lord Oliver, if you read this, I share your pain... I told you CUJO sucks. :D

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The Red Wings are out. So I don't really know what I support for.

I can't see here any game. I follow it by internet, CNN sport on tv and text tv in Dutch.

Today won Netherlands from Romania for worldcup. They played in a lower class.

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I didn't know World Cup of Hockey was this year.


I hope the Dutch get in just to see'em play. NHL2003 has a bunch of Euro teams for tourny play, but not a dutch team. Even the Italians are in but not the Dutch, kinda odd.


The big six is retarded, USA, Canada, Czech Rep., Russia, Finland, and Sweden, all field thier Major Junior (Canada), National Pro teams, and College Allstars (USA), for the prelims, and then when the round robin play starts, the pro's that want to play get a spot, so all those guys that had to go through qualifying rounds have to sit at home while the pro's win medals... gay if you ask me. That and how the NBA and NHL fields its pro's for the Olympics... I think the MLB is thinking of doing that soon.

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And the Dutch team will hold their place in the WC divisian 1.

The endlist of the WC.








* played next season in lower class of Ice-Hockey


Now you know why the Dutch don't play on high level.


We were once a A team. Back in 1980. They played in the Olympic winter games of Lake Placid.




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Game 7... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Do the Dutch try to get into the Olympics?

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Now as long as Vancouver can get by St louis I'll be happy.

Btw How could there be aLeafs Red wings final when their both in the east?

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Snapple, your team is also out now?

Bad thing.

No the Dutch don't play olympic. Only in 1980, but now.......NO there not good.

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Leafs are in the East, Wings are in the West, they both used to be in the west about 5 years ago... in the same division (the Norris).


I guess I have to root for Tampa Bay now, and Minnesota, gotta love that team.


Leafs just imploded in game 7, I think Pat Quinn may get fired, and the whole team get reordered, they did it a while back, they'll do it again.

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Who do you think that win this time the Stanley Cup?

I really don't know. I hope not the Mighty Ducks.

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Smart money's on New Jersey. Then Dallas, but they have a young inexperienced goalie. Maybe Phili, but half their team is concussed from the series against the dirty Leafs :D . If Ottawa can play they way that they are supposed to, then they could be the favorite, but they usually cant get it done. As for Vancouver, Minn, TB, and Anaheim... No way in hell that any of those teams get passed NJ.


I hate the Devils, but if I had money to bet with, then NJ would be the way to go.

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Man do I feel like a dumbass . Should teach me for posting when I'm tired :)

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What happend to team USA? They lose everything at WC in Helsinki for A-teams. Next year they play lower.


And what about to support after Detroit Red Wings.

I think the Flyers. Same name as the team that I support in the Netherlands.




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the Ducks are 6-1 In the Post Season

Boasting the Best W-L Ratio off all teams

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They beat Sweden.

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