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Skyraider Skins for Razbams Skyraider Package Vol 2

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Skyraider Skins for Razbams Skyraider Package Vol 2

For those of you who bought Razbam's kick ass Skyraider package Vol.2 Here is some reworked skins that Bib and I did. Hope you like them.


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File Name: Skyraider Skins for Razbams Skyraider Package Vol 2

File Submitter: <a href='http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showuser=230'>USAFMTL</a>

File Submitted: 16 Jan 2007

File Category: <a href='http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&showcat=58'>SF WW2/Korea until 1959 Aircraft Skins</a>


For those of you who bought Razbam's kick ass Skyraider package Vol.2 Here is some reworked skins that Bib and I did. Hope you like them.

<a href='http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=3879'>Click here to download this file</a>


Skyraider package sound neat. How do I buy it?

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Skyraider Volume 1 is the A-1E version and Skyraider Volume 2 has the A-1D,A-1H, A-1J, AD-4, AD-6 and AD-7 versions. Take a look at Razbam.net.

Truly Beautiful models!

Edited by NeverEnough

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Oooh Weee! I just bought Razbams A1E and wasted no time sniveling for the AD-5s. Buy it, and yes I mean "BUY IT" at http://www.razbam.net/ It apears we are in a pay to play world. The time vs cost is worth it. Some days it took me all day just to download a 7 meg file. There are skins that wiegh alot more. "When the the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro". Raul Duke.VR all! :ph34r: CL



Edited by charlielima

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