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having trouble with the mig-21f-13 cockpit

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i downloaded this plane from column5 and it's a great plane but where the cockpit chould be seethrough, a.k.a. the gunsight, theres just a big green-yellow blob that prevents me from seeing where im shooting, this should be easy to fix but im no expert at this stuff (got the game a month ago), so i could use the help thanks

Edited by highlyflammable

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Does your cockpit look like this? By looking at this image, can you tell us what's missing (or different) on yours? It may be nothing more than a corrupt *.tga file, but we'll need to know exactly which one it is, first.



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for the most part yes, but where that piece of glass is that the gunsight is projected onto there's gust a green blob, ill go take a screenshot

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From your original description, it sounded as if you had one or more corrupt .tga files. After viewing the images you provided, I'm more inclined to believe that it is a display driver issue.


Can you supply us with a few specs? Namely, what graphics card you have, which display driver your using, and what release of Microsoft DirectX you're currently running.

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OK, that may be a major issue. The SiS650 is an integrated video chipset, with performance roughly on par with an nVidia GeForce MX200. What all that means, is that your display adapter is comparable to a seven-year old graphics adapter, one that has hardware support for DirectX 7.0 , at best.


The current patch level in the SF series can prove challenging to GeForce 6800 Ultras, cards that are two years old, and that are fully DirectX9.0C compatible, when all the graphics sliders are maxed out.


Also, DirectX10 is currently available only in Windows Vista.


That doesn't mean that you cannot enjoy SF, you'll just have to scale back on the graphics a bit, until you get a system (or video card) with a bit more horsepower.

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isnt vista available in like two days?


also, whats the cheapest graphics card that i could get to fix this whole thing?

Edited by highlyflammable

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OK, that may be a major issue. The SiS650 is an integrated video chipset, with performance roughly on par with an nVidia GeForce MX200. What all that means, is that your display adapter is comparable to a seven-year old graphics adapter, one that has hardware support for DirectX 7.0 , at best.


The current patch level in the SF series can prove challenging to GeForce 6800 Ultras, cards that are two years old, and that are fully DirectX9.0C compatible, when all the graphics sliders are maxed out.


Also, DirectX10 is currently available only in Windows Vista.


That doesn't mean that you cannot enjoy SF, you'll just have to scale back on the graphics a bit, until you get a system (or video card) with a bit more horsepower.

also, the graphics are fine on my computer, it works fine with shadows, mirrors, cockpit reflection and all that other stuff, really the only problem i have had is those cockpits

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You could get yourself an Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS or 7800 GS for under 150... I think thats what I had.. (the 7600 was only like 139 for me).


Right now Im running a 7900GT and every now and then when I have many, many planes going all at once it tends to "click..click..click"... (just a sound im making for the way the screen reacts)..


even worse when I try and fly with the time speed X 8... the FPS drops to 10 and below...


(Luckily I don't use Time speed that much... it takes away from the enjoyment of the environment.. unless you have an intercept where you need to be some ASAP..)


It would be nice if there was a "Free Fly" mission mode or something similiar where you can just enjoy the map as much as you want without enemy fighters, AA, etc.

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when i go to x8 time i get about 1-2 fps, which doesnt bother me cause all im doing then is flying with the wing leveler


im not sure if this is normal but sometimes when im flying the game sort of plays in pulsing ways like a wave sort of thing which is kind of wierd it'll just go fast for a sec, then be slightly sluggish and build its way up to go fast again in a period of about two seconds, (if you know anything about music its like playing one long note that starts at pianissimo(really soft), cresendos(gradually increasing volume) up to fortissimo(really loud), and as soon as you get to the the top you go back to the start and repeat) except instead of volume we're talking about speed


this computer is four years old anyways and somewhat slow and outdated so i think ill go get a new one eventually

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is it at all possible that this is happening cause im playing vietnam and not europe, because i also tried the jaguar and the tomcat which both have those green modern looking huds and with both of them there was a big green square in front of them


i WOE even worth getting since i already have WOV?

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See if you want really good fast video card with no lag (and you have 300 dollars, and maybe not) then get the ATI x1950

It works really good and also you need to have a 650watts.



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really though the only problem i have is those cockpits, everything else is pretty good, the only time i lag is when some other window pops up in the middle of me flying

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Patched up to the last SP from Thirdwire?


Saw such gibberish in the cockpits of some MF planes when not patched up to the latest.

Went away after patching.



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