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anybody see this?

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Yeah, saw that a few days ago. Only in the 21st century.

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thanks for the intel...

that's very interesting, such a "small" matter caused a huge problem

like the General said, lucky for them they caught it on time before it became fully opertional


and oh yeah, blame the Programmers! :P

Edited by Nesher

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It's funny how software has become just as important as hardware in aviation.


The 777 has glitches that have only recently been ironed out.


Embarer is dealing with a host of issues with their new aircraft (ask JetBlue about it).


The C-17 had teething software issues at first.


Even our aircraft (T-38C) had a few problems initially, now it's great how our capabilities keep jumping up with just software upgrades....no changes to the hardware.



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