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"What If.." goes round the bend....

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Before anyone asks, yes, I'm off my meds. Hence, this little bit of craziness.

Whilst I'm still on the Modern What If kick, I had this little idea, for the RAF (actually came to me while fiddling with the Tornados)




Ladies, Gentlemen and Assorted Beings...

I present the Eagle FGR.1




Here we see it configured for a strike mission, with 6 Mk.2 540 pounders.




Here she is, now fully loaded for bear (or for T-72s anyway) in the CAS role.




now, in the Pathfinder role of SEAD. You'll note the asymetrical loadings, giving the pilot more options for prosecuting his attack on the enemy SAM and AAA units. The combined use of anti-radiaton missiles, and prescision guided electro-optical Mavericks, allow him to 'thin out' the defenses from a stand-off range before closing into the extreamly high threat environment to deliver the cluster bombs.


And, of course, it fully retains it's primary air-superority role with it's load of 8 air-to-air missiles; infra-red homing AIM-9 series Sidewinders, and the radar-guided Skyflash and Sparrow.

Not shown in this advertisment flyer, is it's capabilities in the Anti-shipping role, with Martel TV guided missiles, Mavericks, or any of several other types of of Electro-opticaly guided bombs.

Unfortunatley, this aircraft is not equiped with a laser designator, and therefore is not capable of deploying Laser Guided Bombs.

However, for an additional fee, our technical staff can arrange for the mounting of such a device, although it is not reccomended as it would take space away from other, vital equipment.

The aircraft is fully equipped with the latest countermeasues, from it's electronic jamming suite to disposable chaff and flare cartridges.


We'd like to thank you for stopping by our booth here, and hope you all have a pleasent day.




the best thing abuot this mod, it uses EVERYTHING that's stock in WoE. Uses the stock skin bmps, stock cockpit; only the inis get changed. Even the decals, which I desaturated to fade them for a more lo-viz look, are stock.

Unfortunately, it's designed for ONLY WoE, as all the bits only exist there.


Just have to do up a hangar screen (WoE style), and it'll be ready to go.


So, whatya think? Time to put Kevin in the rubber room???? :rofl:



The Wrench

Kevin Stein


ps: hell, I did the Tomcat, why not an Eagle??? :crazy:

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No rubber room for you...thats awsome....just wish that it would work for WoV/SFP

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Kevin I have to draw the line......Not a pound for air to ground. You can butcher any plane you want but leave my beloved Eagle out of it. :biggrin::bad:

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Kevin I have to draw the line......Not a pound for air to ground. You can butcher any plane you want but leave my beloved Eagle out of it. :biggrin::bad:


Didn't you work on the F-15E, I and K?

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...Not a pound for air to ground...


Haha, wow dude, you're really showing your age there, huh? :haha::tongue:


I think the last time someone uttered that was... what? 1975 maybe...? Wasn't that the sales pitch back '75?

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Here's the exact quote from the read me, basicly restating the first sentence:


=Personal notes:


I gotta admit, I might have really gone round the bend on this one! So many of the 'not a pound for air-to-ground' pointy-nosed, Fighter Mafia types are bound to get their panties in a bunch for this one!!! Before any one asks, yes, I'm off my meds ;) Which explains this little piece of insanity <gr>


Of course, if you want it Air-to-Air only, just delete any of the references to the groundpounder missions.


I DO have the number of a good therapist at hand, and I'll probably be giving them a call come Monday. :crazy:


Dave, you're just jealous, cause I put your F-111K out of business!!! :lol: (which I actualy like -- better than the Tornado!)


A few more tweeks, and then....Cry Havoc...and let slip the crazed eagles of whatever...!!!!




Kevin Stein

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Someone call Bellview, Kevin's off his meds again........ :biggrin:

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Why not a Eagle F.Mk.1 borrowed from usaf F-15A/C stocks as a stopgap pending the arrival of much troubled Typhoons. Think they might look nice in some of the ADV color schemes especially those with the yellow and black tails.

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I'm picturing a green & grey RAF eagle that would look pretty sweet.

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Due to extingincies of budget constraints, the recently procured Eagle FRG.1 will only be available in the air-superiority gray. We feel this is in the best interest to the taxpayer, in saving them pounds/Euros/dollars that could be spent on other, more vital parts of the support infrastructure, and to the pilots and ground crews of the aircraft themselves, as the paint would add unnecessary weight to the aircraft, and cause the mainainters to spend many extra man-hours 'touching up' as it is worn away. Also, in it's primary role of air superiority, we feel the gray is much better to blend in with the background sky. It's speed, manuverability, and offensive/defensive weapons suites negate the need for camoflague, as previously seen on other aircraft, in the low -to- medium altitude stirke role.

It should also be understood of the extreme laziness of the modder, who just didn't feel the need to create a green/gray camo for it. 'Too much bloody work', he was quoted as saying, 'You try getting those damn color lines to match up! Beside, I searched all over 3rd Wire and CombatAce, and didn't find the templates'. "


-------- MOD announcement released via the Public Information Office, RAF



btw, I'll be uploading it today, both to my site and, of course, here to CombatAce, in increase the 'uneasiness' of the pointy-nosed Fighter Mafia :tongue:



Kevin Stein

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In response to the British MOD statement earlier this afternoon, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates held a press conference at the Pentagon. He was quoted as saying "The Eagle templates are easily located at http://www.thirdwire.com/dl/F-15A_template.zip" and further noted that "a more interesting paintscheme would add little extra weight, certainly not enough to affect the F-15's exemplary performance in the air superiority role."


Monday, March 12, 2007

Associated Press

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Washington must of changed their mind.Web page not found! :crazy:

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gah, why's it not letting me edit? remove the quote at the end of the link.

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