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Where can i find the best cockpit/FM for WOV for these 2 planes flayble: F-86 and MiG-15. (For the F-86, i guess I'm looking for the F model because i think that sortof equals the MiG-15 in terms of weight, speed, and maneuverability. Any links would be appreciated, i looked here at the download section but didn't exactly find what i was looking for. If there is any other sites that host WOV stuff please post them. Thanks in advance!

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In the SF d/ls section, you'll find MK2's repaints of the Skyhawk pit for use with the Migs (etc). There's a green and a black dashboard version.

The only problem with that is, it uses the stock A-4B cockpit ini, which puts the pilot in the wrong place.

What I've done (kinda experimenting with upgrading them a little) is the following:


1) Extract the A-4B_cockpit.ini

2) Place in (this case,) the MiG-15s folder.

3) Rename to "Mig15_cockpit.ini"

4) Make sure the pointer in the MiG-15bis.ini points to your new cockpit ini (ie:CockpitDataFile=Mig15_cockpit.ini)

5) Adjust pilot position as follows:

(you may wish to copy/paste the following date OVER the existing lines in your new cockpit ini)



















you'll notice it's been move more towards the center, based on pilot position in the data ini. Also, I've turned the light one earlier (NightLightOn= line -- thats a Moonjumper fix, btw). That should get you pretty close to the actual physical position you see on the outside view. Feel free to tweek/adjust/fine tune the pilot position you your liking.

I also have a new soviet gunsight for it too, and if anyone is interested, I'll upload it. That way, you ain't stuck using the USN Mk.8.



Kevin Stein

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If you're handy with a paint or photo-editing app, you can also mod AD's Su-17 'pit, into a passable MiG-15 'pit, like so:



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why are there no accurate MiG-15 cockpit? So i have to use A-4 or MiG-17's cockpit?


There is no MiG-17 pit. That's an Su-17 'pit in the image. The MiG-17 cockpit model, if one existed, would be all but indistinguishable from that of the '15.


The reason there is no cockpit for either can be chalked up to a lack-of-demand. Also, accurate cockpits are much harder to model than the aircraft themselves, often taking twice as much time.


Someone was working on a MiG-15 cockpit a year ago, and then dropped out of sight.

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ah that's a shame, i thought the MiG-15 would be in high demand though. Since the MiG-15 and the F-86 face-off a lot during the Korean war

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And if you wait Fubar, Tazkiller and I along with our team are re working the Korean mod I started in November. I think you will not be disappointed.

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For Zur's Sabre, how accurate is that cockpit?


It's an F-86F pit.

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For Zur's Sabre, how accurate is that cockpit?



As accurate as I could make it... within the constraints of the game.


I used a host of online images and and actual -1 doc. In a nutshell... it's as accurate as I could get at the time. (Could get alot more accurate now though)...


Hmmm... Did I just volenteer for a side project?

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As accurate as I could make it... within the constraints of the game.


I used a host of online images and and actual -1 doc. In a nutshell... it's as accurate as I could get at the time. (Could get alot more accurate now though)...


Hmmm... Did I just volenteer for a side project?


Well since we are butthole deep revamping my original Korea mod, you up for model specific pits.....after all you just volunteered..... :biggrin:

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I think they're the same, just the MiG-15 pack has more skins. There is no dedicated MiG-15 pit.

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No difference, still uses the A-4B pit. (open the Mig-15bis.ini, and you'll see the pointer "CockpitDataFile=A-4B_Cockpit.ini")


So, unless Fubar wants to cut loose with the modded Fitter pit...

(or, at least tell us what's needed to tweek it :) )



Kevin Stein

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