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Hawk MMS

One Way to Steal Technology

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Compromised technology (PRC Mig 17 vs Taiwan F-86)The Taiwan Strait battles inadvertently produced a new derivative of Sidewinder: shortly after that conflict the Soviet Union began the manufacture of the K-13/R-3S missile (NATO reporting name AA-2 'Atoll'), a reverse-engineered copy of the Sidewinder. It was made possible after a Taiwanese AIM-9B hit a Chinese MiG-17 without exploding; amazingly, the missile struck the MiG-17 and became lodged within the airframe, and the pilot was able to return to base with the missile. According to Ron Westrum in his book "Sidewinder", the Soviets obtained the plans for Sidewinder from a Swedish Colonel and rushed it their version into service by 1961 copying it so closely that even the parts numbers are duplicated. Years later, Soviet engineers would admit that the captured Sidewinder served as a "university course" in missile design and substantially improved Soviet and allied air-to-air capabilities. The K-13 and its derivatives remained in production for nearly 30 years.




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good way you mean LOL

thanks for the story :)

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Apparently the BAE/Matra ALARM anti radar missile was compromised because 1 launched in Yugoslavia during Operation 'Allied Force' failed to hit it's target & soft landed in marsh.

It was duly recovered by Yugoslavian forces & presumably studied by their engineers.

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Anytime you use a weapon system in combat, whether it be a plane, a tank, or a gun, you risk the enemy getting it.

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