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Why russian aircrafts are so weak

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I downloaded serveral new aircrafts in my WOE, F-14a, F/a-18, F-16, Mig-29, Su-27 & Mig-21F-13 with the last updated weapon suite. But I find I can never use a russian aircraft to shot down any US three generation aircrafts with air to air missiles, even the su-27 with R-73 missile. All the russian missiles missed their targets even in a very short distance. Do your guys know why?

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I have noticed that to. Even some very accurate missiles from the Russians miss their targets. Many of the US built planes have a chaff and flare despenser somewhere on the plane. That is the most likely cause. Some Soviet/Russian aircraft have ECM like this, but only recent airframes have them. (MiG-27, MiG-29, Su-17, Su-27, and some MiG-21's, and MiG-23's.)

It's is a good thing then that the guns on Russian planes are such a big millimeter! :good:

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Is it possible to make the chaff and flare not so efficiency? I think it will be more fun, isn't it?

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Is it possible to make the chaff and flare not so efficiency? I think it will be more fun, isn't it?


You can add chaff and flares to any aircraft including the amounts with a few basic file changes - however you cannot change how effective they are - what you need to do is change is the parameters for each missile - which can be done using the weapons editor.


There was a discussion recently on the Simhq forums regarding more accurate figures for the russian missiles - do a search over there and get the lowdown.


Note: If you up the russian missiles parameters be prepared to take the missiles fired at you seriously regardless because the Chaff/Flares wont be enough.

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the soviet missiles are seriously undermodeled in the weapon pack (espacially the laters ones like the r-73) and the aim9-l is seriously over modelled.........i know the lima is an all aspect missile.........but i seriously doubt that he have such a good results in the reality (most of the kills obtained by the sea-harrier for example were by the rear sector)

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Ah yes...what I like to call the "Flanker Dilemma" since it wasn't until Marc released it some of us noticed the undermodeling of the R-27 and R-73 as opposed to what various sources said about these weapons.


This is what tflash at SimHQ suggests changing in the weapons pack (using weapons editor):


Current values in Weaponspack:


weapon---Accuracy--Lock-on-Noise re-CM rej---Seeker----turn rate

AIM-9L---95------- 85------- 95------- 95------- 2,5------ 32

AIM-9M--- 95------- 90------- 95------- 95-------2,5------ 32

AIM-7F--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 6-------- 16

AIM-7M--- 90------- 90------- 90------- 85------- 6-------- 21

R-27R---- 80------- 80------- 90------- 40------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27ER--- 80------- 80------- 90------- 40------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27T1--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-27TE--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-73M1--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 30------- 2,5------ 48

R-73M2--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 30------- 2,5------ 48


change to:


weapon---Accuracy--Lock-on-Noise re-CM rej---Seeker----turn rate

AIM-9L---95------- 85------- 95------- 95------- 2,5------ 32

AIM-9M--- 95------- 90------- 95------- 95-------2,5------ 32

AIM-7F--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 6-------- 16

AIM-7M--- 90------- 90------- 90------- 85------- 6-------- 21

R-27R---- 90------- 85------- 90------- 75------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27ER--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27T1--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-27TE--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-73M1--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 90------- 2,5------ 48

R-73M2--- 95------- 90------- 90------- 90------- 2,5------ 48




I think you'll like this set up better :)


The SimHQ discussion is at http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...e=4&fpart=1

Edited by Bulldog

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Ah yes...what I like to call the "Flanker Dilemma" since it wasn't until Marc released it some of us noticed the undermodeling of the R-27 and R-73 as opposed to what various sources said about these weapons.


This is what tflash at SimHQ suggests changing in the weapons pack (using weapons editor):


Current values in Weaponspack:


weapon---Accuracy--Lock-on-Noise re-CM rej---Seeker----turn rate

AIM-9L---95------- 85------- 95------- 95------- 2,5------ 32

AIM-9M--- 95------- 90------- 95------- 95-------2,5------ 32

AIM-7F--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 6-------- 16

AIM-7M--- 90------- 90------- 90------- 85------- 6-------- 21

R-27R---- 80------- 80------- 90------- 40------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27ER--- 80------- 80------- 90------- 40------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27T1--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-27TE--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-73M1--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 30------- 2,5------ 48

R-73M2--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 30------- 2,5------ 48


change to:


weapon---Accuracy--Lock-on-Noise re-CM rej---Seeker----turn rate

AIM-9L---95------- 85------- 95------- 95------- 2,5------ 32

AIM-9M--- 95------- 90------- 95------- 95-------2,5------ 32

AIM-7F--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 6-------- 16

AIM-7M--- 90------- 90------- 90------- 85------- 6-------- 21

R-27R---- 90------- 85------- 90------- 75------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27ER--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27T1--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-27TE--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-73M1--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 90------- 2,5------ 48

R-73M2--- 95------- 90------- 90------- 90------- 2,5------ 48




I think you'll like this set up better :)


The SimHQ discussion is at http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...e=4&fpart=1


Thank you. I tried it. It seems little better.

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I noticed this.

The AIMs can hit a target with a surgical precision,while the AAs only hit targets that are almost touching you plane.


Current values in Weaponspack:


weapon---Accuracy--Lock-on-Noise re-CM rej---Seeker----turn rate

AIM-9L---95------- 85------- 95------- 95------- 2,5------ 32

AIM-9M--- 95------- 90------- 95------- 95-------2,5------ 32

AIM-7F--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 6-------- 16

AIM-7M--- 90------- 90------- 90------- 85------- 6-------- 21

R-27R---- 80------- 80------- 90------- 40------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27ER--- 80------- 80------- 90------- 40------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27T1--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-27TE--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-73M1--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 30------- 2,5------ 48

R-73M2--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 30------- 2,5------ 48


change to:


weapon---Accuracy--Lock-on-Noise re-CM rej---Seeker----turn rate

AIM-9L---95------- 85------- 95------- 95------- 2,5------ 32

AIM-9M--- 95------- 90------- 95------- 95-------2,5------ 32

AIM-7F--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 6-------- 16

AIM-7M--- 90------- 90------- 90------- 85------- 6-------- 21

R-27R---- 90------- 85------- 90------- 75------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27ER--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 5,6------ 24,5

R-27T1--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-27TE--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27

R-73M1--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 90------- 2,5------ 48

R-73M2--- 95------- 90------- 90------- 90------- 2,5------ 48


Does that Work?

It may mess anything on the WEapons Pack?And where I place these lines?

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You enter the data into the 'WeaponData.ini' file inside the 'Weapons' folder. Make sure to back up the original file first.

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After changing the .ini, though, you have to run the wep editor, open the .ini, and click "save" as it's the weapons .dat file that the game actually reads.

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