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Hey guys!

There are hundrends of files and I really tried my best to find the exact answer, but I just can't.

If I wanted to fly in Operation Desert Storm in a F-117 or F-15E, just excatly what would I need? I have both Strike Fighters and WOV.

I am completely new here and to the series, so please speak slowly :biggrin:

Thnks in advance!

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Right, the problem with Op DS is that it's much later than the planes available for the game generally model. With Tornados, F-111s, F-15Es, F-16Cs, and F-15Cs it is possible to simulate it to a certain extent, but no one has done a campaign like Burning Sands '91 for it. :grin:

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welcome :bye:



http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...amp;#entry58744 ?


there is no downloadable f-117 at the moment & that campaign appears to use the F-15A rather than E although I'm sure that it could be modded.


Thks for the link! But I'm still not sure what I need to do. I just download any add on aircrafts (eg F-15s MiG-29s)? Also do I need 'weapon packs' that I've heard about?

All I see in the Desert Storm folder is two .inis, do I just dump these in my WOV folder? I will need desert scenery too...

Sorry for the many questions, like I said I'm a complete noob and there are many add-on files...

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If you're having trouble, I would start with something a little smaller, like installing one aircraft, and make sure you get that to work for you in "SINGLE MISSION".


Even before that, have a quick read through the Knowledge Base here. I wouldn't expect you to read through everything in one sitting, but at least check out the titles of the different threads. Chances are, when you run into a problem, the solution will be already posted there.


99% of the time, a 3rd party addon will come with a README specifying how to install it.


I would recommend you install the weapons pack first. Most 3rd party aircraft will come with their unique weapons, and the README will tell you they need to be installed. Chances are, if you have the weapons pack installed, you won't need to install any other weapons. Really new aircraft will probably be your only exception.


Ask questions when you get stuck, but overall you'll pick everything up faster by reading and experimenting with one addon at a time.

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Ok thanks moderators!

Just wanted to get some rough ideas/tips before I dove into it!

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