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Warhammer 40K

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And then everyone talks about the Space Marines.


don't you worry about that,I play Orcs,Imperial guard,Tau,Witch hunter/sisters of battle and Eldar :blink:

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And then everyone talks about the Space Marines.


What everyone fails to realize is that the IG is one of the hardest armies to play. Sure if you're kitted like a Space Marine or too stupid to know you're killed like and Ork running across the board is no problem. But what did the Imperium give the IG for protection? a flashlight,err, Lasgun and a T-shirt with the word armour written on the front with Magik-Marker.


When I was actively playing I considered fighting my opponent to a draw as a good game. If I won that was even better. I'd be interested in a forum on 40K, I'll even break out the troops for a photo session.

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What everyone fails to realize is that the IG is one of the hardest armies to play. Sure if you're kitted like a Space Marine or too stupid to know you're killed like and Ork running across the board is no problem. But what did the Imperium give the IG for protection? a flashlight,err, Lasgun and a T-shirt with the word armour written on the front with Magik-Marker.


That may be true, but as an IG player myself the one thing you can count on is "Artillery" in the form of Mortars and Basilisk's. Since the release of the updated rules last week, it seems things may get a lilttle better for the Guard. What I really like about using the IG was the items from Forgeworld and the many items they provide for Walkers,Tanks and Infantry. There is ofcourse the flyer's, but are rarly used until Apocalypse came out with the Super-heavy Baneblade tank for guard use.

I'm busy updated what IG I have and look forward to trying out the new rules.

If there's an fourm for Warhammer 40k, I would be interested.

Currently working on DOW "Soulstorm" campaign using IG, not easy...sigh :blink:


Edited by Airmax

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Pardon me, what I was actually saying was how scary the Space Marines looked with their boltguns etc. Videos of WH40K mods for OFP scarred my eyes, I think, because it just felt odd.

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This guy is saysing us

Pardon me, what I was actually saying was how scary the Space Marines looked with their boltguns etc. Videos of WH40K mods for OFP scarred my eyes, I think, because it just felt odd.

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