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I have been playing FE this morning and it struck me of how much courage these pilots must have had to climb into the aircraft which are little more than armed and powered kites. Can you imagine how it must have felt to know you were about to engage enemys and if you took damage the chances of survival were slim?


Im a big fan of all flight sims, but few give you the feeling of helplessness to damage that FE does. No option at all to get away from a damaged aircraft and if you have your landing gear shot off your pretty much outta luck. Thats not to say that for there time these aircraft were not top of the line, just that the options to these fighter pilots were so limited. You were either very good or you were dead.


I keep hearing how unrealistic Thirdwires sims are, but for FE i dont believe that to be true. I mean whats missing? Gun Jams,A decent flight model,several aircraft,Flak and incredible terrain are all included out of the box. The only unrealistic thing i found was the throttle, in WWI its was all or nothing, full throttle or no throttle and thats easy to simulate for the people who want realism.


A quick question though...

How do i turn off the engine for landing, because for some aircraft they will not come to a full stop if its running.

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There is no engine off key. It's a limitation that TK has yet to resolve.

Some people have complaints about the stock flight models, but it's not the game itself as the 3rd party planes often have very good FMs.


As for what it took to be a pilot, you can watch a film like Blue Max or Flyboys and see some of that.

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Thats not to say that for there time these aircraft were not top of the line, just that the options to these fighter pilots were so limited. You were either very good or you were dead.

& often their own aircraft were as deadly to the pilot as the enemy's.

These weren't highly stable aircraft with precise handling & the speed of progress was such that what was top of the heap 1 month was a sitting duck 3 months later ...

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I have been playing FE this morning and it struck me of how much courage these pilots must have had to climb into the aircraft which are little more than armed and powered kites. Can you imagine how it must have felt to know you were about to engage enemys and if you took damage the chances of survival were slim?


Im a big fan of all flight sims, but few give you the feeling of helplessness to damage that FE does. No option at all to get away from a damaged aircraft and if you have your landing gear shot off your pretty much outta luck. Thats not to say that for there time these aircraft were not top of the line, just that the options to these fighter pilots were so limited. You were either very good or you were dead.


I keep hearing how unrealistic Thirdwires sims are, but for FE i dont believe that to be true. I mean whats missing? Gun Jams,A decent flight model,several aircraft,Flak and incredible terrain are all included out of the box. The only unrealistic thing i found was the throttle, in WWI its was all or nothing, full throttle or no throttle and thats easy to simulate for the people who want realism.


A quick question though...

How do i turn off the engine for landing, because for some aircraft they will not come to a full stop if its running.

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I believe most of the inline engined A/C did indeed have throttles. It was the rotary engines that were either full on or off...a feature that TK will be adding in the next addition to FE. :ok: I too have not found FE lacking in what it takes to make a sim interesting and fun. Same goes for the rest of the series. Some people just like to complain. :rolleyes:

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