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My first project/groundobject

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Hello, I have finished this a while back. My trial for 3DSmax is up, so I can't work on it anymore. It is pretty much done, except a texture for the destroyed.LOD file. This is my first attempt at modelling, so I don't know anything about posting, if anyone is interested in using this.


Most of the texture BMPs came from the GermanyCE.Cat file. Otherwise, the rest is original. If anyone wants the 3DS files, let me know.


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Loosely modelled after the Doppler weather radar here at Calgary International. Have seen them as part of the DEW line as well.

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Nice work grumpapotamus! If only we had user-friendly tools to populate terrains with such alikes...

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If anyone can tell me how/protocol for uploading files, I will post it with the 3DS max file. I believe that groundobjects are probably the best way to teach noobies the ins and outs of modding.

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Just zip up all the necessary files, maybe with a little readme describing what it is, and go to the d/loads section. There's a button "Add A File".

That'll take you to another page with the upload agreement, and a drop down window where you can select what categeory it goes in (in this case SF/WoV/WoE Ground Objects), then follow the on screen instructions.


From the screenie, the object is in game??? Is it a working radar (ie: has a data ini with the needed stuff??)


That'd be a perfect add on for eye candy to some of the HAWK sites I've been dropping all over the WOE map!


If you have any problems getting it uploaded, drop me a line and I'll give you hand. (selfish motives...I want one!! :rolleyes: )



kevin stein

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Hello Wrench. Thanks for the info. I will upload ASAP. I will include the 3DS file for those who wish to tinker. Unforunately, there is no Data.ini fix for a functioning radar, but feel free to add one. Had some more modifications of it (mostly different textures, etc) but the trial expired before I had the time. I am trying to get a student liscense, but Alumni status isn't quite student status. (I was a fine art student at the Alberta College of Art and Design- knew I should have went into design!!!)

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