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I've been seeing alot on this on HD, are they re-kindling the series or just re-airing the 11 episodes that produced?



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I'd like to see a comeback. The movie was good too. Firefly is one of the best IMHO.

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Well I think towards the end of the 11 episodes I started liking it, as the acting got much better, and started to get less dry. I liked "Serenity" but then again, it being a better amalgamation of the whole episodes. And really sure it's Sci-Fi, but uh the West was already one, i.e. the Western movie motif wasn't quite interesting. I mean even then it'd be a little more advanced?

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Dry? Yep. It was the "attitude" and the characters that I liked. I also got the impression that after the big war things had actually regressed, especially in the outer regions. I thought the "Frontier" aspect fit quite well.

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There is talk that Sci Fi Channel secured the rights to make several "TV movies". Hopefully, these will be set Pre-Serenity, so Wash will be back.


I absolutely LOVE Firefly. I downloaded and imported the Serenity into X3, and take her out to the black while not on missions.

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I watched the show when it first aired, and wasn't really taken with it. I missed a few shows in the middle of the run because it lost me. Then I started watching again and got hooked...just as they cancelled it. Oh well.


Then I heard the movie was coming out, so I went and rented the DVDs from Netflix. The 2nd time through the show clicked with me. I loved it! Then they killed off people in the movie and I was stunned. I now own both the show and movie on DVD and have seen both several times. :grin:

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Dry? Yep. It was the "attitude" and the characters that I liked. I also got the impression that after the big war things had actually regressed, especially in the outer regions. I thought the "Frontier" aspect fit quite well.


I guess so, but to me, when you're far away in a distant time, things may have gotten more advanced, or even if it regressed, it wouldn't have gone that far. Then again, it still was a mixture of the old and new in some respects, that kept it "different".

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Remember the core Alliance worlds were very advanced, very much what people would think the future would look like. The farther out you went, the less money they had. Naturally the old West look was a conceit, as it's doubtful it would look like late 19th century Earth, but that was just a stylistic choice. As was their speech!

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