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Guest Saganuay82

Why I like SFP1

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Guest Saganuay82

With a little bit of work and some knowledge you can have this.




You can see the modded Firebee defending itself against a devilish Sidewinder. Now if I could get them to follow routes.


They haven't figured out how to chaff a gun yet though :)



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But it's a lite sim...... :smile:

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Guest Saganuay82

He's pretty lite, fluttering his way to the ground :)

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nonono.. that red bug is "alight" .. not lite.... you see....

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nonono.. that red bug is "alight" .. not lite.... you see....


I always get those confused.

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Guest Saganuay82

Kinda like the word "htem"

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I always get those confused.


well is it lite or isn't it?I'm on a restricted caloric intake and jenny craig is bitchin at me that I need to drop some inches.If the game isn't lite i fear Richard Simmons will show up at my door in a flight suit and start crying about my plight. :tongue:

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Guest Saganuay82

Is it "Light" or "lite"? Wouldn't want to get taken in by one of those "GH" flightsims. Drones and flares, bah, craziness.

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Guest Saganuay82

Acid induced oscillations?

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I can´t get that thing working...

I tryied to create a mission 2 times and both times the game took almost 3 minutes to load and everything exploded when game started...

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Guest Saganuay82



Maybe you should post your Frankenstein mission here and we can see.

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Everything exploded?? Wow, I'd like to see that! :grin:

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