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Hey Gerald, just had a look at your model, pretty nice mate! :smile:


I wan't me!!!!! :rofl:

It was 101th

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I had that one as well. Gee, I can't believe it was nearly 20 years ago... :blink:




Now THAT would be an awesome thing to have... sort of a combination between YF-23 and X-29 with some ultra-cool looks! :good:

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link to mig 31 firefox please for woe

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It's a Dev A-Team bird.


You'll have to check with them for the downloading procedures.




Read the page, it's got pretty much all you need to know to get started



kevin stein

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Please send to me MIG 31 firefox -rar,zip.My e-mail : sharko21@wp.pl please send :good: .

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They dont allow their stuff to be distributed like that, like wrench said, if u want it that bad, go to their site, and do what is asked of u you when u get ur account, then u will have downloading rights to their site, and then u can get it yourself, its that easy.

Edited by Jarhead1

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