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Just a little mod of the cargo ship, using only the destroyed textures. Rust added by me. Creates a nice, rusted wreck to be placed along any coastline, for a little eye candy.


Detailed instructions for adding in the enclosed WordDoc. This doc can also be used as a 'generic' tutorial for adding ground objects.




Kevin Stein


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Thank you very much for posting this. Your tutorial answered a lot of questions I've alwyas had about editing the terrain files. I have no problem creating missions and placing ground objects, but I've always been a bit intimidated about fooling around with the terrain files, and I didn't know about the "Debug" use. You did a great job expalining it in an easy to understand form; I'm going to start placing things in the terrain ASAP. This sim just got even better.


Thanks again!

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You're very welcome!! :biggrin:

The instructions are actually the real reason I uploaded it.


And the shipwreck is a nice piece of eye candy, too


Now, if I could figure out how to do that for KB, I'd transfer the doc to there



kevin stein

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Thanks Kevin... I have just the spot for that...

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Thanks for your admirably clear tutorial on using the debug facility to place objects on terrains. Just what I have needed for a year or so. You can always trust a Wrench to give you a straightforward, nuts and bolts solution and explanation. Nice wreck, too! :good:

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Why do I get images of Dennis Hopper with an eyepatch and Kevin Costner with gills when I see this?? :wink:

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OK, Cousin JM...now you've gone and done it....


You're gonna make do one of a wrecked oil tanker!!!

Wonder where I can get a static Helio Courior on floats to put on the deck....to say nothing of the banks of oars?



Kevin Stein

2nd Decon of the Dez


(wondering it there are actually destroyed textures in cat I can use...hmmmmmm)

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I hope you're all happy now!!


The results of about 20 minutes of work....






If you're concerned about the lack of water, it's simply because I did a simple bait/switch on the modified Range terrain, replacing the Liberty ship target for this one.


Just a little bit more testing, and it'll be ready for upload. Sorry, I couldn't get the name on bow or stern, the damn bmps are just soooo small...


Looks like Major Lee's gonna have another shipwreck. Just to let everyone know, his 'rusty hulk' in DBS is what gave me the idea for the 2 shipwrecks in the first place.



Kevin Stein

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