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Major Lee

Danger! Bering Straits: update to SP4

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JSF_Aggie has graciously made an entire update for Danger! Bering Straits, which brings DBS iup to service pack four standards. This update also allows the use of WOE or WOV as the base sim for DBS installation. Find it at the Aerodrome...




Thanks Aggie!!! :clapping:



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You know, if there's been a complaint about your terrain, is why is it broken up? Don't get me wrong, I love the terrain, but I guess it's kinda odd that a terrain file has to be in seperate zips.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Campaign update isn't there. All there is is the terrain files. Still, your hard work is appreciated.

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Flanker, I believe the Major has a dial-up, and keeps it broken up to make sure it gets uploaded. Once it's installed, it really doesn't make a difference.


jtin, if you're talking about the DBS '72 campaign, no, it's not in there. This is just the terrain that I updated after WOE came out. I'm waiting on an aircraft to be released to post the DBS '72 campaign that will work with the current patch. It will be here, as it's to large for MajorLee's site.

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Flanker, I believe the Major has a dial-up, and keeps it broken up to make sure it gets uploaded. Once it's installed, it really doesn't make a difference.


jtin, if you're talking about the DBS '72 campaign, no, it's not in there. This is just the terrain that I updated after WOE came out. I'm waiting on an aircraft to be released to post the DBS '72 campaign that will work with the current patch. It will be here, as it's to large for MajorLee's site.


Is it all inclusive? Thanks... and 2 weeks until release? :biggrin:

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Flanker, I believe the Major has a dial-up, and keeps it broken up to make sure it gets uploaded. Once it's installed, it really doesn't make a difference.


jtin, if you're talking about the DBS '72 campaign, no, it's not in there. This is just the terrain that I updated after WOE came out. I'm waiting on an aircraft to be released to post the DBS '72 campaign that will work with the current patch. It will be here, as it's to large for MajorLee's site.


Oh okay, I didn't honestly know he had it man, ok :smile:

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Hey guys, just wanna check in and say a big thanks you to all of you who've been working on this terain. I'm takin a real blast at it right now, flying an A3J-1 loaded with a nuke! :good:

Edited by Corktip_14

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