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Ive noticed that Im not seeing any SAM batterys at all in Single Missions. Im running the latest version of the game SP4 Wpns Pack etc etc. Ive been flying in the late 90s with different add-on aircraft. Any ideas on what could be going on??

C46th out

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Ive noticed that Im not seeing any SAM batterys at all in Single Missions. Im running the latest version of the game SP4 Wpns Pack etc etc. Ive been flying in the late 90s with different add-on aircraft. Any ideas on what could be going on??

C46th out


In which game? If it's a stock install of SF or WoV, then you're limiting yourself to the SA-2 series, which are probably out of service by the 1990's. WoE has the SA-6, which should still be in service well into the 1990s.


Of course, you could always install the Sa-3/Sa-8/Sa-9 and the Tunguska, just for grins and giggles.

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Sorry forgot to add that Im talking SFP1 here not WOE. Can the SAMs be upgraded with addition of add-ons?

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There's a boatload of stuff; SA-3 of variying number of missiles, SA-7, AAA units (ZPUs, ZU, KS series, etc) tanks, vehicles, extra radars, HAWKS,in the revamped 'Pasko's SAMs & Vehicles Pak", hosted both at my site, and here at CA.

Stinger available seperately - act now! supplies are unlimited!!!


Just to let you know....

There are 2 versions


1) Desert skins

2) Euro skins (ok, green for use in WoV/WoE)


Also, in the near future, the KS series, KS/S 60 will be getting an 'network upgrade', as I now have a working Fire Can FC radar!!! (well, it does the job, even though the vehicle is a re-inied Flatface. Just until we can convicne a 3d modler to make us the correct radar van)



kevin stein

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I downloaded those the other day. I was flying a Mig 29 against an airfield and did not expect what happened next. 20 mm and chapparal were everywhere. They seemed to be fairly accurate in their aim too :biggrin: Great add ons!!!!!!!!

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Sorry forgot to add that Im talking SFP1 here not WOE. Can the SAMs be upgraded with addition of add-ons?


Actually you would not even need addons to have SAMs in the 90s.


All you need to do is to extract the data.ini files of the SAMs and Radar systems and edit their Retire date, which is 1980 if I'm not mistaken.

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Do I need the weapons editor to edit those files and/or add the newer SAMs etc that Wrench was talking about? Ive been dreading doing that as it sounds like a pain in the butt, but I suppose Ill do it if it has to be done. BTW, Wrench, can you send a link to your site?


C46th out

Edited by C46thVA

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Do I need the weapons editor to edit those files and/or add the newer SAMs etc that Wrench was talking about? Ive been dreading doing that as it sounds like a pain in the butt, but I suppose Ill do it if it has to be done. BTW, Wrench, can you send a link to your site?


C46th out


All the aforementioned SAMs should be in the weapons pack, so simply installing their related ground objects should activate them.


The Sa-7/8/9/Tunguska/Chaparral and ADATs are stand-alone units that require nothing more than making sure that the the following line in their data.ini files matches this entry:




The Sa-3 should be installed along with the FlatFace radar unit, and networked by adding the following line to the data.ini of all its launcher types and the Flatface:


Under 'Detect System', add "NetworkType=SA-3"


As soon as I can get someone to create a proper Sa-10 missile, launch vehicle, and radar van (I've already created a proof-of-concept demo, and it's quite deadly) , we'll have that system to contend with, too. :biggrin:

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What's next Ed, Gadflys???? With those monsters......


The 2 Pasko Paks (desert and Euro) have been tweeked (if I remember right) to SP4 standards. They are (as uploaded) NOT networked (for the Goa's and Guidlines)

The WoE stock Gainfuls come networked stock from the 'factory'


You just need to unzip the pack, and drop the vehicles into the /GroundObjects folder. There are also some modded data inis for some of the stock tanks & such, adding a coax MG.


For wanting a link to my site, it's always down below, in my sig. Most of the ground objects, should be here at CA



kevin stein

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I have one question.Is there a way to make the sam sites have all the same type of missile?In lots of cases I get a mix of SA-2 SA-3 and SA-6 in the same battery.

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You can do it by going into the terrain_targets.ini and instead of SAMRadar or SAMLauncher in the type, and put in Fansong for the SA-2, the respective radars for the SAM batteries. Although the different SAMs might be better, providing different layers of protection (or attack).

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I have one question.Is there a way to make the sam sites have all the same type of missile?In lots of cases I get a mix of SA-2 SA-3 and SA-6 in the same battery.



Hey WK, how's the leg?


The issue you're experiencing is due to lack of networking. You need to identify and isolate the various SAM units by network type.


For example, the Fan Song and all SA-2 launchers should have the following line under the "detect system" entries:




The SA-3 Launchers and their FlatFace radar:




The SA-6 and its Straight Flush radar should already have "NetworkType=SA-6" by default.


This will prevent mixing and matching of individual missile types at the same SAM site.

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Hey WK, how's the leg?


The issue you're experiencing is due to lack of networking. You need to identify and isolate the various SAM units by network type.


For example, the Fan Song and all SA-2 launchers should have the following line under the "detect system" entries:




The SA-3 Launchers and their FlatFace radar:




The SA-6 and its Straight Flush radar should already have "NetworkType=SA-6" by default.


This will prevent mixing and matching of individual missile types at the same SAM site.


leg is still weak in some ways but i biked 16 miles on it monday and another 4 yesterday.I'm hoping to get my leg ready for one final season.I have till July 7th to get ready.Thanks for the info.

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