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Has anyone else come up with this problem? The F-4EJ Kai Phantom II will literally disappear from view depending on distance to the aircraft. All that can be seen is its weapon loadout, and depending on angle, pilot and RIO. The aircraft completely disappears from view. Makes it hard to either escort, or if I'm on the Red side, gun the aircraft.




Any fixes possible? And no, my video card is not from Latvia, I can assure you. I mean, the only mafia I deal with are the remnants from the former Roman Empire who live secretly in...nevermind that...


But seriously, does anyone else have this problem/know of a fix?

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I've had that issue with other a/c as well.



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I used to have one with the B-52. I got the original a/c though and that fixed my issue :biggrin:

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I do have the problem too.

Which F-4EJ Kai Phantom II did you downloaded????

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The latest variant; EJ Kai, rather than just EJ, released by bunyap.

Edited by Caesar

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Now if we could only get that to happen in real life. How sweet would that be just send the payload to war, no pilot, no aircraft, no fuel ... sweetness. Maybe the mods are on to something here. LOL


Hope they get it fixed for you.



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It's a 'visual distance' thingy...


Here's the fix:

Open your F-4EJKai.ini, and replace the lod callouts with this:






















Note the 'commented out' section, and the main LOD (001) having a vis distance of 8000. I just tried this and it good!

(even tried placing the F-4E lods directly into the folder, and it did'n't change anything. There was also a spelling error for lod002 -- it was just LOD0. Changed that, and it didn't work.)


Just use the above data, and you're all fixed up!



kevin stein

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All right; made those modifications and the plane appears as it should! Thanks for the assistance.

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It's a 'visual distance' thingy...


Here's the fix:

Open your F-4EJKai.ini, and replace the lod callouts with this:






















Note the 'commented out' section, and the main LOD (001) having a vis distance of 8000. I just tried this and it good!

(even tried placing the F-4E lods directly into the folder, and it did'n't change anything. There was also a spelling error for lod002 -- it was just LOD0. Changed that, and it didn't work.)


Just use the above data, and you're all fixed up!



kevin stein


Since someone else asked...my eleavons on my B-58 seem to disappear early...can you detail what those lines mean?



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FC: I'm not exactly sure, and hopefully someone with more knowledge will correct me if I'm wrong, but they are (as I understand it) differents 'sized' models based on how far away from the views (forced perspective, perhaps?)


The further away, the smaller it becomes, with less detail (LOD stands for, i think 'level of detail').

Why the elevons would disappear on yours I don't know...I havn't looked at or flown the Hustler for a long while.


I take a look later on, and post any results I might find



kevin stein

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